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Jobtypes and Applications / Re: Nuke(cmdline) job runs fine but Nuke(loadOnce) fails
« Last post by BrianK on April 11, 2016, 05:07:08 PM »
You see the nuke license being returned so quickly simply because Nuke has closed.  Running Nuke in "load one" mode should not change the license used by Nuke while being run by Qube.

We would need to see job logs to see what's causing the failure.  This case would best be handled by regular support (by emailing

In lieu of regular support, take a look at the job logs (visible through either GUI), and look for any error messages.  Feel free to copy/paste any error messages here.

Announcements / Qube! 6.8-2 released
« Last post by jburk on April 07, 2016, 01:03:28 AM »
This is a maintenance release of the Qube! Core/Supervisor/Worker/ArtistView/WranglerView products.

This is a recommended release for all customers running Qube v6.8.

Please see for complete release notes.
What the title says. I've attempted to render the same job both ways and the cmdline version finishes while the loadOnce seems to fail as soon as Nuke launches without any hint in the logs as to why. Do the two jobtypes use different types of Nuke licenses? The cmdline option opens Nuke with the -x flag and thus only uses a nuke_r (render-only) license. When I try a loadOnce job I see in my license server logs that the node checks out a nuke_r license as well, but then instantly returns it and the job fails. Is it looking for an additional interactive license, like nuke_i? I'd love to not have to re-load the Nuke scene every single frame like the cmdline jobtype does, but I only have nuke_r licenses for my farmers. Is this why loadOnce jobs are crashing?
Rendering in the Cloud / The Creative Opportunity of Cloud
« Last post by Render Guru on April 05, 2016, 06:47:31 PM »
1-Apr-2016   Simon Pickles, lead engine at Pipeline in the Cloud at The Foundry

Cloud computing is something increasingly central to all our lives
Rendering in the Cloud / 9 Tips for Rendering in the Cloud
« Last post by Render Guru on March 29, 2016, 08:29:46 PM »
1. Pick your "Zone"

2. Pick your Machine Type

3. Leverage
General / Re: Cant open qbadmin.exe
« Last post by Darrin on March 18, 2016, 06:36:25 PM »
qbadmin.exe only provides command-line administration for Qube!, so it will not open any GUI. For more information see:

If Qube! Supervisor menu items are greyed out, and if you are running on Windows OS, you will need to launch Qube! with right-mouse-click 'Run as administrator'.

If your Qube! software Support and Maintenance is current (and I think it is) send an email explaining any issues or inquiries to:

General / Cant open qbadmin.exe
« Last post by rs_sanchez on March 18, 2016, 04:52:50 PM »
Im trying to run commands for Qube and when I try to open qbadmin.exe it will not open and I am running as domain admin. Basically what I am trying to do is gain  full access to supervisor and some of the features are greyed out when opening the supervisor qube. The problem is the guy that administered Qube before left and I dont have access to features or know how to reset the password
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