qb.submit() Submission
The QubeGUI keys off of the 'rangeOrdering' parameter when it does a submit or resubmit. It uses that value to determine the parameters to send to qb.genchunks().
For a binary sort, use
job['agenda'] = qb.genchunks(20, '1-100', binarySort=True)
For descending ordering use the standary list reverse function
job['agenda'] = qb.genchunks(20, '1-100')
QubeGUI Submission
If you submit the job directly through the qubegui via the commandline, then it will do that qb.genchunks() for you automatically based on the "range" and "rangeOrdering" parameters.
qube --submitDict "{<put your job dict here>}"
Reference qb.genchunks()
For reference see the Python API docs or use the inline help with "help(qb.genchunks)".
Help on function genchunks in module qb:
genchunks(chunksize, range, *extraRanges, **kwargs)
Generate a work agenda (individual Work items) in frame chunks based upon range list.
Automatically removes duplicate items in the list.
:See: `rangesplit`, `rangechunk`, `rangepartition`
:See: `genframes`, `genchunks`, `genpartitions`
:Change: Added "binarySort" keyword option for Qube 5.3
chunksize : int
number of frames per chunk
range : str
Frame range string (additional ranges can be specified)
- n1 (ie. 1)
- n1,n2,... -- comma separated list (i.e. 1,2,3,5,10)
- n1-n2 -- n1 through n2 (i.e. 1-10)
- n1-n2xStep -- n1 through n2, step Step (i.e. 1-10x2)
binarySort : bool
perform a binary sort (first, last, middle) on the resulting order (default=False)
:Returns: list of Work instances. ([`Work`])
:Example: qb.genchunks(10, '1-100')
:Example: qb.genchunks(10, '-100--10')