Author Topic: Maintenance/Patch release 6.8-4a of qube-core, supervisor, and worker available  (Read 7736 times)


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We have released a patched version of Qube! core, supervisor, and worker packages, labeled 6.8-4a, that contain various fixes.

The Qube! Installer should automatically pick up this new version when the 6.8-4 manifest is selected.

Listed below is the RELEASE notes for 6.8-4a, for your reference.


Code: [Select]
@RELEASE: 6.8-4a

This is a cumulative patch release of the qube-core, supervisor, and worker
packages, for all platforms, including several key fixes.

==== CL 17208 ====
@CHANGE: Popluate the subjob (instance) objects with more data (like status), and not just the IDs, when subjob info is requested via "qbhostinfo" (qb.hostinfo(subjobs=True) for python API)

Previously, only jobid, subid, and host info (name, address, macaddress)
were filled. Now, things like "status", "timestart", "allocations",
etc. are properly filled in.

ZD: 16541

==== CL 17206 ====
@FIX: When "migrate_on_frame_retry" job flag is set, prevent backend from doing further processing (especially another requestwork()) after a work failed

This was causing race-conditions that will get agenda items to be stuck in
"retrying" state, while there are no instances processing them.

Now the reportwork() API routine is modified so that if it's invoked to
report that a work "failed", and the "migrate_on_frame_retry" is set on the
job, it will stop processing (does a long sleep), and let the worker/proxy
do the process clean up.

ZD: 16553

==== CL 17186 ====
@FIX: "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter" now when daemons (supe, worker) try to pick a primary mac address

ZD: 16561

==== CL 17182 ====
@CHANGE: all classes that inherit from QbObject print as a regular dictionary, no longer have a __repr__ which prints the job data as a single flat string
@NEW: add qb.validatejob() function to python API, help find malformed jobs that crash the user interfaces

==== CL 17141 ====
@FIX: Any job submitted from within a running job picks up the pgrp of the submitting job

By design, if the submission environment has QBGRPID and QBJOBID set, the
API's submission routine will set the job's pgrp and pid, respectively to
the values specified in the environment variables.

One couldn't override this "inheritance" behavior even by explicitly
specifying "pgrp" or "pid" in the job being submitted, for instance with
the "-pgrp" command-line option of qbsub.

Fixed, so that setting "pgrp" to 0 on submission means that the job should
generate its own pgrp instead of inheriting it from the environment.

ZD: 16545

==== CL 17101 ====
@NEW: add "-dying" and "-registering" options to qbjobs.
@CHANGE: also add dying and registering jobs to the "-active" filter.

ZD: 16469

==== CL 16804 ====
@TWEAK: added code to print what operation was requested, when printing out "permission granted to user..."