Author Topic: maya jobtype errors  (Read 13750 times)


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maya jobtype errors
« on: May 11, 2007, 02:28:38 AM »
I'm submitting the following maya job package:

    job = {}
    job['name'] = 'maya test job'
    job['cpus'] = 4
    job['prototype'] = 'maya'
    job['requirements'] = 'host.os=linux'
    package = {}
    job['package'] = package
    job['package']['batchmode'] = 0
    job['package']['scenefile'] = '/path/to/'
    job['package']['currentRenderer'] = 'mentalRay'

    range = '1-10x1'
    agenda = qb.genframes(range)
    job['agenda'] = agenda

    listOfJobsToSubmit = []
    listOfSubmittedJobs = qb.submit(listOfJobsToSubmit)

The job renders 4 frames of the scene file and then stops with the rest of the frames remaining in 'pending' status indefinitely.  The 4 rendered frames report as 'failed' although they rendered fine. Can you tell me what the problem is?  The scene file renders fine thru the 'cmdline' jobtype so what is in the 'maya' jobtype that i'm missing.  Here is the tail of the stderr:

INFO: rendering layer [defaultRenderLayer] using renderer [mentalRay]
mayaBatchRenderProcedure(0, "", "defaultRenderLayer", "mentalRay", "-v 5 -lic ns"); system ("/usr/bin/perl -e \"sleep 1\"");
mental ray: got 0 satellite CPUs.
Warning: (Mayatomr.Scene) : greyAlien_renderPuppet_GenMan_GEOShape: empty UV set map1 detected, ignored
>>>> result=
ERROR: melexec() returned success, but 'result' is empty
setAttr defaultRenderLayer.renderable 0
setAttr cameraShape1.renderable 0
ERROR: there were at least [1] errors in processing this frame
WARNING: maximum tries of 1 exhausted... at /usr/local/pfx/jobtypes/maya/ line 368.
WARNING: ...subjob bailing...

==================== FAIL FRAME #0001 ====================
Reporting frame status to supe:

$VAR1 = bless( {
  'status' => 'failed',
  'name' => '1',
  'data' => undef,
  'package' => bless( {}, 'maya::Package' ),
  'host' => 'rfl0035',
  'subid' => 0,
  'pid' => 835,
  'resultpackage' => {
    'outputPaths' => ''
}, 'qb::Work' );

reporting status on work for: 835.0 1 - failed

==================== WORK END ====================


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Re: maya jobtype errors
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2007, 03:04:42 AM »

What happens if you submit the same scene, with the same frame range, using our stock in-app maya submission dialog?

Also, does this happen to any ol' scenefile, or is it particular to some?


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Re: maya jobtype errors
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2007, 05:54:18 PM »

What happens if you submit the same scene, with the same frame range, using our stock in-app maya submission dialog?

Also, does this happen to any ol' scenefile, or is it particular to some?

The stderr output is exactly the same with the stock in-app gui submission for maya.  This happens with any maya file I try to render with mental ray.  Maya software renders work fine however.

Does the line "mental ray: got 0 satellite CPUs." mean there is a problem acquiring mental ray licenses?  There are no problems running mental ray jobs on the render machine from a shell.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2007, 06:30:34 PM by speedtrials »


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Re: maya jobtype errors
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2007, 07:24:00 PM »

I'd need to take a closer look at the job logs to diagnose your issue.  Could you
follow the instructions below, and send us the logs of a sample job <>?

BTW, the "mental ray: got 0 satellite CPUs." message is nothing to worry about-- our software avoids using "satellite" licenses, as we don't utilize the technology (yet).


In order to address your problem more completely, please send us the job log directory for the job in question.

You can locate the directory by logging into your Supervisor, and looking for the job log folder in the following location (depending upon your Supervisor platform):

\Program Files\pfx\qube\logs\job

Linux, OS X

In that folder, you will find a numbered directory that corresponds to the number of thousands in the job ID. (ID < 1000 = 0) Search in one of these folders for the one that corresponds to the correct job ID.

Zip up the entire job ID folder and reply to this email message with the zipped file.

If the zipped job ID folder turns out to be larger than 2MB, don't send it, but let us know and we will help you address the problem in an alternative fashion.


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Re: maya jobtype errors
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2007, 05:36:04 PM »
Was anything resolved with this?  I am having the exact same problem.  I submitted a support ticket, but I am still waiting for a response.

I am running the 5.1.0 worker with Maya 8.5.




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Re: maya jobtype errors
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2007, 05:47:12 PM »
my problem was that maya wasn't giving verbose output, which is what Qube looks for during the render....otherwise it thinks its failing.  Test your maya by running:

maya -batch -prompt

file -f -o "";

then execute a render:
mayaBatchRenderProcedure(0, "", "defaultRenderLayer", "mentalRay", "-v 5 -lic ns");

do you get verbose output?


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Re: maya jobtype errors
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2007, 02:58:57 AM »
Hi folks,

Speedtrials, thanks for jumping in on this one!

Jbrandibas, as I've replied to you in the support email,
we do have a new version of the maya jobtype, 5.1-1, uploaded
to our ftp site (replacing the old one), which contains additional
code that attempts to set the verbosity to an appropriate level.

The new version also has a couple of fixes, including an
option to ignore all render-time errors, so please give that one a try.
