Author Topic: Version of MR for Maya for miGens and options for genning  (Read 7890 times)


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Version of MR for Maya for miGens and options for genning
« on: April 02, 2008, 02:20:35 AM »
Hi -- How can i know where miGen's are being made -- assuming that it must be to mentalray for maya, but since we have three versions on the farm, where does Qube get told which version of Render to use?

Also, like the Other Options line of the mentalRay Job submit, is there any way to include special command line flags (like -rl for forcing gens of all renderlayers)?




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Re: Version of MR for Maya for miGens and options for genning
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2008, 10:48:06 AM »
Hi jimmyt,

The miGen process is done using Maya, and the version of Maya would
be chosen according to the scenefile's version-- if the scene was saved
using Maya 2008, for example, the jobtype will try to find that version
on the worker.  Have a look at the stdout/stderr logs of your jobs,
and you'll see that happening in the initialization stage of each subjob.

Because the miGen jobtype uses maya in "-prompt" mode, and not
the simple command line "render" command, there really isn't an
easy way to pass a command line option such as "-rl".