Im gettin the following error when submitting jobs with render elements.
Qube is writing the main pass, but no render elements are saved...
Setting up render element output..
RE: VRayZDepth Output file: \\\Kunde\Falck\_Falck kasse\_Animation\3dsmax\renders\intro\VRayZDepth\VRayZDepth_0400.exr
RE: MultiMatteElement Output file: \\\Kunde\Falck\_Falck kasse\_Animation\3dsmax\renders\intro\MultiMatteElement\MultiMatteElement_0400.exr
...done setting up render element output
Rendering frame: 400
...done rendering
INFO: error-checking output file for existence and minimum size
INFO: [\\\Kunde\Falck\_Falck kasse\_Animation\3dsmax\renders\intro\intro_0400.exr]... [OK!]
INFO: error-checking output file for existence and minimum size
INFO: [\\\Kunde\Falck\_Falck kasse\_Animation\3dsmax\renders\intro\VRayZDepth\VRayZDepth_0400.exr]... [ERROR!]
ERROR: file does not exist [\\\Kunde\Falck\_Falck kasse\_Animation\3dsmax\renders\intro\VRayZDepth\VRayZDepth_0400.exr]
exiting with status [failed]
flushing log...flushLog() done
Im on 3dsmax 2012/vray2
Does anyone have an idea why its unable to save the elements?