I am trying to get our evaluation of QUBE! installed this weekend but I am running into some pretty serious hurdles.? I am posting this here, because it's the weekend and nobody has returned any of my phone calls or emails. (understandably)
Hopefully someone monitors the forums and can get back to me.
We are stirctly windows XP sp2 and Windows 2003 server.? ?
1.) your 3dsmax jobtype is out of date.? It does not recognize max 8.? I was able to edit the maxscript to get it to run in max 8, but the perl scripts are also out of date, and I do not know how to program in PERL.? I will need an updated jobtype for max 8, or instructions on how to edit the scripts.
2.) I suspect that your maya jobtype is also out of date, as it mentions maya 7, but we are running maya 7.0.1.? I have not tested this yet though, as we are primarily a 3dsmax house, and have little use for maya at this time.
3.) --There is no #3--
4.) I do not understand the configuration of workers/supervisor/clients very well.? There is a GUI, as well as a config file.? They all seem to live in different locations.? configuring within the GUI does not seem to change the values of the .conf files.? Whats going on here?
5.) Why does qube keep asking for a login and password?? What is this, and can I disable it?
6.) After submitting a test job (which failed), I was unable to kill it.? It said I did not have permission.? Why?? How do I grant full admin control to all clients?
7) Our artists are used to setting up their workstations as renderslaves when they go home at night.? Your worker application runs as a service, thus is invisible to the artists.? Is there any way to allow them to start and stop the service with some visual feedback?? They will never remember to stop the worker service if they cannot see some indication that it is running.? They will also have trouble remembering how to start and stop services on their computers.? Remember Artists are not IT professionals.? They need pretty pictures, and big red buttons that say "GO" and "stop"
Do I need to configure Max and Maya in any special way on the workers?? Do I have to install the max and mel scripts manually, or somehow tell Qube where the applications live so that it knows how to launch them??
9) I'm pretty early into the deployment, but there does not seem to be a way for the Artists to easily submit their jobs and monitor the job status.? There also doesn't seem to be any real feedback on the jobs in QUBIC that is important to the artists.? IE: Job details, render settings, error reporting (nobody is going to go hunting for a .log file when their job errors out, it needs to be accesible through a gui)
10) It seems that most of the functionality in Qube is through a CLI.? Artists do not know how to use CLI, they need big pretty red buttons, that don't require them to think.? Since we do not have dedicated render-wrangler type employees, is it possible that QUBE is just not a good solutions for us?? (see number 7)
Thanks for any insight you can share with me.