Author Topic: Studio Defaults and User Presets  (Read 7894 times)


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Studio Defaults and User Presets
« on: August 06, 2013, 04:59:10 PM »
Hi there,

as i understand it Studio Defaultprefs always override usersettings, which is fine to a certain extent ;)

We want to define a basic submission preset via Studio Default Prefs, like gamma settings reservations etc (works fine btw!). Problem is i would like to let the users to define the priority cluster themselves and save their preset. So basically they get a basic studio preset, set the cluster to the project they are working on and save the preset so they don't have to edit the line everytime.

I tried to delete the 'cluster' line from the studiodefaultpreset file, edited the line in the submission dialog, pressed "set defaults" but the next time i open the submission dialog it will override user settings anyway with ''. Maybe i'm doing something wrong?

Is there a way to exclude a certain setting (like clusters) from being overridden by the studioprefs?



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Re: Studio Defaults and User Presets
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2013, 05:16:02 PM »
Hi Mikko.

In the GUI, there are "Studio Defaults" and "Studio Preferences".  The former will create a base upon which users can set their own presets.  The latter sets a mandate upon which the user has no "default" control.

If you want users to be able to override the studio-wide defaults, be sure to choose "Studio Defaults" instead of "Studio Preferences" when they choose the path to the central configuration file.

more reading:



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Re: Studio Defaults and User Presets
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2013, 12:13:40 PM »
thanks alot!
seems to work now, i accidentally set the Studio Preferences Path inside the Defaults file :)