Not sure where the pipeline folks are -- I've logged a support request on this too.
Anyway, continuing to try and bang at this -- I've found that my gens are automatically picking up on the mayatomr version that is set in the $PATH, but unless I specifically add an override in MRay Command, the default render always goes to what's in the pulldown (in this case 3.5.1). I've tried editing the file and change all reference to 3.5.1 to 3.5.6 but that doesn't change the pulldown or where qube sends the job by default.
I notice a MI_ROOT env var that I don't think is defined anywhere on the blades -- echo $MI_ROOT doesn't give me back anything, nor do I get anything from local submit box. Should this var be set and if so, should it explicitly point to the mentalray path that I want to use? IE: /usr/autodesk/mi356/bin, or should it point directly to mentalrayrender?