I create jobA? and set all of its work to be blocked.
When jobB creates an MI file, I unblock the work in jobA for that file.
I'll assume that when you submitted jobA, it went in blocked.
The problem i find is that because all of the work in jobA is set to blocked, it sets the entire job to be blocked.?
That's right.
Do I have to set all of jobA to unblocked each time I want a piece of its work that is now unblocked to run?
What you need to do is unblock
both the job and the work item. On your backend, when you finish the frame, and make the request to the supervisor for another frame, you should check the error status. If there are no unblocked frames, the supe will send you a
blocked status in the work item. Just set the subjob status to
blocked, and exit.
I think if you check in our examples directory, we have some code for setting up the frontend. The types/frame directory should contain code with the correct behavior for a backend.