I seem to need some help getting an in-app submit script working for Nuke5.0 running on WindowsXP ... Qube! 5.3.
Here is the python code being run in Nuke to invoke the Nuke cmndline submit dialog.
import os
import os.path
import sys
import nuke
def addMenuItems():
menubar = nuke.menu('Nuke')
renderMenu = menubar.findItem('Render')
if renderMenu == False:
renderMenu = menubar.addMenu('&Render')
renderMenu.addCommand("-", "", "")
renderMenu.addCommand("+ DiveQube: Render Selected...", "import diveQube; diveQube.submitNuke_renderSelected()", "#F7")
def launchgui(qubeguiPath='', submitDict={}, guiargs=''):
'''launch the QubeGUI with the specified parameters'''
# Construct parameter list
cmdDict = {
'qubeguiPath': qubeguiPath,
'qubeguiArgString': '',
if len(submitDict) > 0: cmdDict['qubeguiArgString'] += ' --submitDict "%s"'%submitDict
if len(guiargs) > 0 : cmdDict['qubeguiArgString'] += ' '+guiargs
# Construct command for the specific platforms
if sys.platform[:3] == 'win':
if cmdDict['qubeguiPath'] == '': cmdDict['qubeguiPath'] = 'C:\Program Files\pfx\qube\bin\qube.exe'
cmd = r'start "%(qubeguiPath)s" %(qubeguiArgString)s'% cmdDict
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
if cmdDict['qubeguiPath'] == '': cmdDict['qubeguiPath'] = '/Applications/pfx/qube/qube.app'
cmd = r'%(qubeguiPath)s/Contents/MacOS/qube %(qubeguiArgString)s >/dev/null 2>&1 &'% cmdDict
elif sys.platform[:5] == 'linux':
if cmdDict['qubeguiPath'] == '': cmdDict['qubeguiPath'] = '/usr/local/pfx/qube/bin/qube'
cmd = r'%(qubeguiPath)s %(qubeguiArgString)s >/dev/null 2>&1 &'% cmdDict
raise "Unknown platform"
# Run command
nuke.tprint("COMMAND = '%s'"%cmd)
def submitNuke_render(executeNodes=''):
thisscript = nuke.root().name()
divehome = os.getenv("DIVEHOME")
thisscript = thisscript.replace(divehome, "$DIVEHOME")
'''launch the qubegui submit dialog for nuke'''
allNodes = nuke.allNodes()
allNodes_Write = [str(i.name()) for i in allNodes if i.Class() == 'Write']
allNodes_Viewer = [str(i.name()) for i in allNodes if i.Class() == 'Viewer']
range = '%s-%s' % (int(nuke.animationStart()), int(nuke.animationEnd()))
rangeInc = int(nuke.animationIncrement())
if rangeInc > 1:
range += 'x%s' % rangeInc
submitDict = {
'name' : 'nuke '+os.path.basename(str(nuke.root().name())),
'prototype' : 'cmdrange',
'package' : {
'simpleCmdType': 'Nuke (cmdline)',
'script': str(thisscript),
'range' : range,
'executeNodes' : executeNodes,
'allNodes_Write' : ','.join(allNodes_Write),
'allNodes_Viewer' : ','.join(allNodes_Viewer),
return launchgui(submitDict=submitDict)
def submitNuke_renderAll():
return submitNuke_render(executeNodes='')
def submitNuke_renderSelected():
executeNodes = ','.join([i.name() for i in nuke.selectedNodes()])
#first, make sure the write file uses DIVEHOME
for x in nuke.selectedNodes():
_class = x.Class()
if _class == "Write":
thisfile = nuke.filename(x)
divehome = os.getenv("DIVEHOME")
print divehome
thisfile = thisfile.replace(divehome, "[getenv DIVEHOME]")
print thisfile
#make sure the write path exists
checkpath = thisfile
print "CHECKPATH1: "+ checkpath
checkpath = checkpath.replace("[getenv DIVEHOME]", divehome)
checkpath = checkpath.replace(os.getenv("DSHOTDIR") + "/comps/","")
print "CHECKPATH2: "+ checkpath
pathsteps = checkpath.split("/")
checkdir = os.getenv("DSHOTDIR") + "/comps"
if not os.path.exists(checkdir):
checkdir = checkdir + "/" + pathsteps[0]
if not os.path.exists(checkdir):
checkdir = checkdir + "/" + os.getenv("DSHOWRES")
if not os.path.exists(checkdir):
#next, replace read paths with DIVEHOME environment variable
allnodes = nuke.allNodes(nuke.root())
for r in allnodes:
_class = r.Class()
if _class == "Read":
thisfile = nuke.filename(r)
divehome = os.getenv("DIVEHOME")
print divehome
thisfile = thisfile.replace(divehome, "[getenv DIVEHOME]")
print thisfile
thisname = r.knob("name").value()
if thisname.find("ReadWrite_") < 0:
#save the modified script
return submitNuke_render(executeNodes=executeNodes)
This is working fine on our Mac workstations, but in windows, qube is reporting: "qube.exe: error: no such option: --submitDict"
is there some modification needed to get this working on windows?