Whats the likely cause for this cmdline job error:
Starting "/Applications/Autodesk/maya2008/Maya.app/Contents/bin/maya"
*** Fatal Error: Failed creating directory: /Autodesk/maya
Maya could not create the necessary startup directories.
Please check for sufficient disk space and necessary write permissions.
and a cmdrange job returns:
Starting "/Applications/Autodesk/maya2008/Maya.app/Contents/bin/maya"
*** Fatal Error: Failed creating directory: /Autodesk/maya
Maya could not create the necessary startup directories.
Please check for sufficient disk space and necessary write permissions.
reporting status on work for: 1050.0 25 - complete
requesting work for: 1050.0
complete notification - job done: -1
This is a test setup with one worker, one supervisor and one client machine. All running OSX. The file is a simple 25 frame Maya scene. The paths are all correct, having successfully tested cmdline ls /Volumes/path_to_folder/file.mb jobs. I have confirmed that the directory reported in the error has read and write privilege set for everyone on both the client and worker.
Any ideas?