No problem. You could also use the reservations to fine tune the subjob distribution on the AE jobs too.
For instance, if you have 10 blades that are 8 cores each, you will by default have 80 total subjob slots. If you submit a particular AE job and define CPUs(subjobs) to equal 16 without using reservations, Qube may submit 8 subjobs to blade 1 and 8 subjobs to blade 2, leaving blades 3-10 idle. Instead you could define host.processors=2, which would limit each blade to 4 subjobs (8/2=4) and the job would spread across a minimum of 4 blades.
This can help balance network traffic a bit with AE in particular, as running 8 AE subjobs on one machine means you'd have 8 subjobs pulling footage over 1 physical network connection.