Author Topic: Maya jobtype no longer needs qb plugin (qb.mll,, qb.dylib) for submission  (Read 15626 times)

Scot Brew

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We have simplified the components for the Maya jobtype for Qube 5.5 for in-application submission.  The qb.mll plugin is no longer needed to submit jobs from Qube.  What this also means is that the Maya jobtype is much more forward compatible with future versions of Maya as it does not need a compiled plugin to submit.

The interface is now all done through the QubeGUI and installed from the QubeGUI under "File->Install App UI->Maya App UI...".  This will add a line to the user's usersetup.mel file and copy a mel script into the user's scripts directory. 


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So, I have a question.  Since the MEL scripts have been deprecated, is there a way to tweak the new UI interface so that I can pre-fill out some of the fields so the users aren't having to type them in everytime?  With the MEL submission window, I could go in and add in my own values into the mel script so that the users didn't have to manually type in the reservations, clusters, etc... I am going to assume this is in one of the perl modules, but I am having trouble locating which one.


Scot Brew

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Yes, you can tailor it and it is even easier than it was before with the MEL dialog.  The in-app submission is done by a MEL script calling the QubeGUI submission interface and populating it with specified values.

You can set these values in a few different locations, depending on your studio's preference:

1) In the MEL script that is installed in the users's maya/scripts directory.  It put together a python dict of parameters and then calls the QubeGUI.  You can modify these parameters here.

2) Modify the QubeGUI submission interface.  Under the QubeGUI "File->Open SimpleCmds Directory...", edit the corresponding submission file and set the values you want.  See the Help->SimpleCmd Developer Guide for examples. 

3) ** EASIEST ** Launch the QubeGUI and specify the values you want by default.  Then press the "Set Defaults" button at the bottom of the dialog and exit the QubeGUI.  The next time you launch that submission interface from anywhere, it will have those default values.


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We are trying out the demo and have a bit of a problem. We are on various XP64 machines running Maya 2010.
On the newer machines, the Install App UI worked fine and a Qube menue appears. These machine have never has any previous version of Qube! installed.
On the older machines, the App UI will not install.  These machines have had the Qube trial in the past but the older software has been uninstalled. 
What could be the cause of the missing App UI?


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The maya prefs can corrupt and prevent the menu from loading.  (usually the renderGlobals UI don't display correctly when this happens, either; check the renderGlobals).

Can you delete your maya prefs directory (or at least rename it as a test), and the re-run the Install App UI, and see if the menu appears?


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We already have a userSetup.mel that gives us a studio menu. We can't seem to have this and the Qube userSetup running at the same time. If we remove the studio set up the in app qube submission appears again.

Is there a line we can add to our userSetup that will rectify this?



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I believe that

Code: [Select]

should do the trick.  You'll need to have the MEL scripts


somewhere in the MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH.


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That did it. Thanks.


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It seems whenever I make significant changes to my Preferences, I lose the Qube! dropdown menu within Maya. I can add it easy enough but I wonder what is causing it to constantly drop.


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Maya's probably stripping out the references to anything it doesn't know about in the userSetup.mel, unless it writes an empty userSetup.mel that your system is finding before the networked one.