Author Topic: How to use nested clusters and restrictions  (Read 5120 times)


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How to use nested clusters and restrictions
« on: March 11, 2011, 06:26:01 PM »
In the example, there 3 hosts, in nested clusters, and all in the 'testing' group:

rhe30     00:0C:29:DA:E5:8E   active   0/0   /private             testing
rhe40     00:0C:29:44:33:98   active   0/1   /private/very        testing
rhel4-64  00:0C:29:DE:6E:03  active   0/0   /private/very/deep   testing

here's the qbwrk.conf

# define a host that will run jobs in any cluster at /private or 1 level below
# - done with the '*'
worker_cluster = "/private"
worker_restrictions = "/private or /private/*"
worker_groups = "testing"

# define a host that will only run jobs in /private/very or any level below
# - done with the '+'
worker_cluster = "/private/very"
worker_restrictions = "/private/very or /private/very/+"
worker_groups = "testing"

# define a host that will only run jobs in /private/very/deep
worker_cluster = "/private/very/deep"
worker_restrictions = "/private/very/deep"
worker_groups = "testing"

submit a job that will run only in /private:

Code: [Select]
qbsub -cl /private -restr /private <cmd>

submit a job that will prefer to run in /private/very, but could run in any host in /private or in the first level below /private
Code: [Select]
qbsub -cl /private/very -rest '/private or /private/*' <cmd>
submit a job that will prefer to run in /private/very/deep, but could run in any host at any level at /private or below

Code: [Select]
qbsub -cl /private/very/deep -restr '/private or /private/+' hostname
« Last Edit: March 11, 2011, 06:27:57 PM by jburk »