Author Topic: how to use qubewatchdog  (Read 12077 times)


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how to use qubewatchdog
« on: February 17, 2005, 11:36:42 PM »
I see no documentation on watchdog.  Under win32  It installs and is not started.  You have to start it up from the services control panel?  How can I verify that it is working.  Is the idle status of workers reported in any command like qbhosts?

Jim DiNunzio
Software Engineer
Electonic Arts, Inc


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Re: how to use qubewatchdog
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2005, 03:08:40 AM »
I see no documentation on watchdog.? Under win32? It installs and is not started.? You have to start it up from the services control panel?? How can I verify that it is working.? Is the idle status of workers reported in any command like qbhosts?

It should be started automatically upon reboot. You can find it in the Services as qubewatchdog.

While the idle status is not displayed in qbhosts, you can tell if a host is locked by the number of cpus it shows. In a qbhosts, you should a pair of numbers like this:


The first number is the number of cpus running subjobs, and the second number is the total number of cpus for the host. If it is "0," the host is locked. qbhosts -l will give you the types of lock.


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Re: how to use qubewatchdog
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2005, 04:03:22 AM »
Some additional info:

In order for the watchdog to actually lock out your machine, you'll need "lock" privileges. You can determine if you have lock privileges by doing a

Code: [Select]
qbusers --list
total 4
---- jcg krmpbuicseyqg- default
asil jcg krmpbuicseyqgp Administrator
asil jcg krmpbuicseyqgp qube
asil jcg krmpbuicseyqgp root
asil jcg krmpbuicseyqgp system

and looking for an "l" in the line next to your name, or an "l" next to the default user.

If you want to add lock privileges for yourself, the command would be:

Code: [Select]
qbusers --add --all --lock myname
To add it for the default user:

Code: [Select]
qbusers --add --lock default
You will need to be an qube admin user ("a") in order to add users or modify permissions.