Author Topic: Preview frames syntax for qubegui commandline jobs  (Read 8176 times)

Ryan Lintott

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Preview frames syntax for qubegui commandline jobs
« on: December 09, 2011, 06:36:36 PM »
This is probably a pretty easy one but I'm having trouble getting the right syntax to submit a job with preview frames via the qube gui.  I'm setting "p_agenda" and "p_priority"   Am I missing something?

here's a sample of what I'm submitting:

start "QubeGUI" /B /WAIT "C:\Program Files (x86)\pfx\qube\bin\qube-console.exe" --nogui --submitDict="{'name':'001_010_shot_name_mainpass_v0236', 'cpus':'999', 'prototype':'3dsmax', 'hosts':'rb01', 'priority':'50', 'requirements':'host.memory.avail>=3000,host.processors.used=0', 'reservations':'host.processors=1+', 'p_agenda':'0,100', 'p_priority':'20', 'retrysubjob':'5', 'retrywork':'5', 'hostorder':',', 'package':{'scenefile':'P:\\000_qube\\jobs\\001_010_shot_name_mainpass_v023_6.max', 'range':'0-100x1', 'maxversion':'13000', 'outputGamma':'1.0'}}"


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Re: Preview frames syntax for qubegui commandline jobs
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2012, 01:06:21 AM »
Hi ryanlintott,

We've found an issue with the 6.3.1 (and possibly 6.3.0) Windows GUI, which broke
the preview frame submission feature.  Please download and use 6.3.2a of the GUI.

Then, you should be able to submit jobs with the default p_agenda frames (i.e., 1st, mid, last frames as preview frames) by:

start "QubeGUI" /B /WAIT "C:\Program Files (x86)\pfx\qube\bin\qube-console.exe" --submitDict="{'flagsstring':'p_agenda','name':'myjob', 'cpus':'2', 'prototype':'3dsmax', 'package':{'scenefile':'C:/Users/shinya/Documents/3dsMax/scenes/tpot-vray2011.max', 'range':'1-10x1', 'maxversion':'13000'}}"

Unfortunately, at this time, it's not possible to submit jobs using the "qube.exe --submitDict" method and specify the preview frames.  You'd have to use the python
API to do that.