Author Topic: Date and Time mismatch on Supervisor and workers  (Read 8365 times)


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Date and Time mismatch on Supervisor and workers
« on: June 05, 2006, 04:33:36 AM »

I am in the process of reading the documentation. I have a question:

Q1: What happen if time/date are different on each machines?
Q2: Does Qube! detects it and fix it?
Q3: time stamp uses the Supervisor date/time or the local machine time?



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Re: Date and Time mismatch on Supervisor and workers
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2006, 06:55:22 AM »
Hey Dave,

      Actually qube! will not correct the time and date on your machines.  This is because we assume you've probably got a better solution in place specifically for maintaining your host clocks.  (Check out NTP

      However that doesn't mean that qube! doesn't care about synchronized clocks.  Internally qube! keeps track of the time difference relative to the supervisor.  This is cached in a file locally called %TEMP%\time_<username>.tmp, so all actions are recorded relative to the supervisor's clock.

      Keep the questions rolling in.
