Author Topic: Jobs from maya 2014.5 try to use old version of MentalRay  (Read 13683 times)

Chris Computing

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Jobs from maya 2014.5 try to use old version of MentalRay
« on: January 08, 2014, 07:21:46 PM »
We are running Maya 2014.5 and Qube 6.3.6, and when our instructors try to submit a job it tries to use an old version of MentalRay. How do I tell it to use the newer one, or the newer path?

got work: 3190:2 - running
[Jan 8, 2014 11:15:10] REN-CAFE-18[5720]: INFO: informing worker[]
[Jan 8, 2014 11:15:13] REN-CAFE-18[5720]: reporting status on work for: 3190.2 2 - failed
k: 3190:2 - running
[Jan 8, 2014 11:15:10] REN-CAFE-18[5720]: INFO: informing worker[]
[Jan 8, 2014 11:15:13] REN-CAFE-18[5720]: reporting status on work for: 3190.2 2 - failed

[Jan 8, 2014 11:16:15] REN-CAFE-18[5720]: received confirmation from worker.
// loading C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/mentalray/shaders/subsurface.dll
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/mentalray/shaders/include/surfaceSampler.mi
// loading C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/mentalray/shaders/surfaceSampler.dll
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/mentalray/shaders/include/userdata.mi
// loading C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/mentalray/shaders/userdata.dll
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/mentalray/shaders/include/useribl.mi
// loading C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/mentalray/shaders/useribl.dll
// generating Maya nodes...
mel: Result: mentalRay
mel: mel: mel: mel: mel: mel: mel: mel: mel: Result: 2
mel: mel: mel: mel: Result: 0
mel: mel: mel: mel: Result: mentalRay
mel: Error: line 1: setAttr: No object matches name: mentalrayGlobals.renderVerbosity
mel: mel: mel: Warning: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/mentalray/scripts/mentalrayUI.mel line 183: (Mayatomr.Script): The scene contains outdated mentalray nodes not compatible with the current user interface.
Warning: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/mentalray/scripts/mentalrayUI.mel line 183: (Mayatomr.Script): If problems occur try to import the scene into an empty project
Error: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/mentalray/scripts/mentalrayUI.mel line 512: No object matches name: mentalrayItemsList.globals
Warning: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/scripts/others/mayaBatchRenderProcedure.mel line 599: Renderer returned an error while rendering 'defaultRenderLayer', please verify the output image.
mel: mel: mel: mage.
mel: mel: mel: obals
Warning: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/scripts/others/mayaBatchRenderProcedure.mel line 599: Renderer returned an error while rendering 'defaultRenderLayer', please verify the output image.
mel: mel: mel: mage.
mel: mel: mel: l: ----------------------------------
-     Worker 3190.3

This is perl 5, version 14, subversion 2 (v5.14.2) built for MSWin32-x64-multi-thread
(with 1 registered patch, see perl -V for more detail)

Copyright 1987-2011, Larry Wall

Binary build 1402 [295342] provided by ActiveState
Built Oct  7 2011 15:19:36

Perl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License or the
GNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5 source kit.

Complete documentation for Perl, including FAQ lists, should be found on
this system using "man perl" or "perldoc perl".  If you have access to the
Internet, point your browser at, the Perl Home Page.

[Jan 8, 2014 11:15:04] REN-CAFE-09[2628]: [p3190.3] job type version: 6.3-custom
INFO: loaded qb module and setup assignment.
INFO: perl module booted and running.


-     Worker 3190.4

This is perl 5, version 14, subversion 2 (v5.14.2) built for MSWin32-x64-multi-thread
(with 1 registered patch, see perl -V for more detail)

Copyright 1987-2011, Larry Wall

Binary build 1402 [295342] provided by ActiveState
Built Oct  7 2011 15:19:36

Perl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License or the
GNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5 source kit.

Complete documentation for Perl, including FAQ lists, should be found on
this system using "man perl" or "perldoc perl".  If you have access to the
Internet, point your browser at, the Perl Home Page.

[Jan 8, 2014 11:15:04] REN-CAFE-14[1056]: [p3190.4] job type version: 6.3-custom
INFO: loaded qb module and setup assignment.
INFO: perl module booted and running.

Result: untitled
mel: mel: Warning: line 1: The flag "-renderType" is obsolete and has been replaced by the "-fileRule" flag.  Please use the new flag.
mel: Result: //bluearc/render/Faculty/pwhiteside/_proj04_Final_Character/
mel: Result: 2013
mel: Result: 3dPaintTextures,Autodesk Packet File,CATIAV4_DC,CATIAV5_DC,CSB_DC,DAE_FBX,DAE_FBX export,DWG_DC,DWG_DCE,DXF_DC,DXF_DCE,FBX,FBX export,Fbx,IGES_DC,IGES_DCE,IPT_DC,IV_DC,JT_DC,OBJ,OBJexport,PTC_DC,SPF_DC,SPF_DCE,STEP_DC,STL_DC,STL_DCE,SW_DC,UG_DC,UG_DCE,ZPR_DCE,alembicCache,audio,autoSave,clips,depth,diskCache,eps,fluidCache,furAttrMap,furEqualMap,furFiles,furImages,furShadowMap,illustrator,images,iprImages,mayaAscii,mayaBinary,mel,move,movie,offlineEdit,particles,renderData,scene,scripts,shaders,sound,sourceImages,templates,translatorData
mel: Result: sourceimages/3dPaintTextures
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: cache/alembic
mel: Result: sound
mel: Result: autosave
mel: Result: clips
mel: Result: renderData/depth
mel: Result: cache
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: cache/fluid
mel: Result: renderData/fur/furAttrMap
mel: Result: renderData/fur/furEqualMap
mel: Result: renderData/fur/furFiles
mel: Result: renderData/fur/furImages
mel: Result: renderData/fur/furShadowMap
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: //bluearc/render/Faculty/pwhiteside/_proj04_Final_Character/images
mel: Result: renderData/iprImages
mel: Result: scenes
mel: Result: scenes
mel: Result: scripts
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: movies
mel: Result: scenes/edits
mel: Result: particles
mel: Result: renderData
mel: Result: scenes
mel: Result: scripts
mel: Result: renderData/shaders
mel: Result: sound
mel: Result: sourceimages
mel: Result: assets
mel: Result: data
mel: mel: Error: file: //bluearc/render/Faculty/pwhiteside/_proj04_Final_Character/scenes/ line 5: Unknown Maya file version: 2014.
Error: file: //bluearc/render/Faculty/pwhiteside/_proj04_Final_Character/scenes/ line 86: Invalid flag '-nodeType'
Warning: file: //bluearc/render/Faculty/pwhiteside/_proj04_Final_Character/scenes/ line 171: Unrecognized node type 'mentalrayItemsList'; preserving node information during this session.
Warning: file: //bluearc/render/Faculty/pwhiteside/_proj04_Final_Character/scenes/ line 172: Unrecognized node type 'mentalrayGlobals'; preserving node information during this session.
Warning: file: //bluearc/render/Faculty/pwhiteside/_proj04_Final_Character/scenes/ line 173: Unrecognized node type 'mentalrayOptions'; preserving node information during this session.
Warning: file: //bluearc/render/Faculty/pwhiteside/_proj04_Final_Character/scenes/ line 345: Unrecognized node type 'mentalrayFramebuffer'; preserving node information during this session.
File read in 0 seconds.
Warning: line 1: Errors have occurred while reading this scene that may result in data loss.
Result: //bluearc/render/Faculty/pwhiteside/_proj04_Final_Character/scenes/
mel: mel: Warning: line 1: The flag "-renderType" is obsolete and has been replaced by the "-fileRule" flag.  Please use the new flag.
mel: Result: frontShape perspShape sideShape topShape
mel: Result: 0
mel: Result: 1
mel: Result: 0
mel: Result: 0
mel: mel: mel: mel: mel: Result: defaultRenderLayer
mel: Result: 1
mel: mel: Result: 2013
mel: Result: 3dPaintTextures,Autodesk Packet File,CATIAV4_DC,CATIAV5_DC,CSB_DC,DAE_FBX,DAE_FBX export,DWG_DC,DWG_DCE,DXF_DC,DXF_DCE,FBX,FBX export,Fbx,IGES_DC,IGES_DCE,IPT_DC,IV_DC,JT_DC,OBJ,OBJexport,PTC_DC,SPF_DC,SPF_DCE,STEP_DC,STL_DC,STL_DCE,SW_DC,UG_DC,UG_DCE,ZPR_DCE,alembicCache,audio,autoSave,clips,depth,diskCache,eps,fluidCache,furAttrMap,furEqualMap,furFiles,furImages,furShadowMap,illustrator,images,iprImages,mayaAscii,mayaBinary,mel,move,movie,offlineEdit,particles,renderData,scene,scripts,shaders,sound,sourceImages,templates,translatorData
mel: Result: sourceimages/3dPaintTextures
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: cache/alembic
mel: Result: sound
mel: Result: autosave
mel: Result: clips
mel: Result: renderData/depth
mel: Result: cache
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: cache/fluid
mel: Result: renderData/fur/furAttrMap
mel: Result: renderData/fur/furEqualMap
mel: Result: renderData/fur/furFiles
mel: Result: renderData/fur/furImages
mel: Result: renderData/fur/furShadowMap
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: //bluearc/render/Faculty/pwhiteside/_proj04_Final_Character/images
mel: Result: renderData/iprImages
mel: Result: scenes
mel: Result: scenes
mel: Result: scripts
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: movies
mel: Result: scenes/edits
mel: Result: particles
mel: Result: renderData
mel: Result: scenes
mel: Result: scripts
mel: Result: renderData/shaders
mel: Result: sound
mel: Result: sourceimages
mel: Result: assets
mel: Result: data
mel: Result: mentalRay
mel: mental ray for Maya 2013
// Mental ray for Maya: using startup file C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/mentalray//maya.rayrc.
mental ray for Maya: setup
mental ray for Maya: initialize
mental ray: version, Jul 26 2012, revision 177995
mental ray for Maya: register extensions
// mental ray Node Factory: loaded
mental ray for Maya: successfully registered
mental ray for Maya: loading startup file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/mentalray//maya.rayrc
// parsing C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/mentalray/shaders/include/abcimport.mi
// loading C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/mentalray/shaders/abcimport.dll
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/mentalray/shaders/include/AdskShaderSDKWrappers.mi
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/mentalray/shaders/include/architectural.mi
// loading C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/mentalray/shaders/architectural.dll
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/mentalray/shaders/include/base.mi
// loading C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/mentalray/shaders/base.dll
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/mentalray/shaders/include/builtin_bsdf.mi
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/mentalray/shaders/include/contour.mi
// loading C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/mentalray/shaders/contour.dll
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/mentalray/shaders/include/paint.mi
// loading C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/mentalray/shaders/paint.dll
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/mentalray/shaders/include/physics.mi
// loading C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/mentalray/shaders/physics.dll
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/mentalray/shaders/include/production.mi
// loading C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/mentalray/shaders/production.dll
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/mentalray/shaders/include/ptex.mi
// loading C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/mentalray/shaders/ptex.dll
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/mentalray/shad[Jan 8, 2014 11:15:09] REN-CAFE-14[556]: requesting work for: 3190.4
[Jan 8, 2014 11:15:09] REN-CAFE-14[556]:


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Re: Jobs from maya 2014.5 try to use old version of MentalRay
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2014, 08:36:21 PM »
Assuming Maya 2014.5 is installed on all machines (which must be true), Qube 6.3 doesn't know about Maya 2014 & therefore doesn't know where to find it.

There are 3 options:

1. In the submission dialog, with expert mode turned on, there is a "3dsmaxcmd" field.  Set this to the path to the 3dsmaxcmd.exe file in the 2014 directory. (Note: that's 3dsmaxcmd.exe, not 3dsmax.exe or max.exe or anything else that you might normally use to start the application).  You can set this as a default so that your users won't have to do it each time they submit.

2. Modify the job.conf file in the 3dsmax jobtype directory on all of the workers so that the line with all the possible max paths contains the path to 2014.  Doing this will make #1 unnecessary.

3. Upgrade to a more recent version of Qube that supports 2014.  If your company is on support contract, upgrades are free.  You can easily manage the upgrade using the new QubeInstaller:  Doing this will make #1 and #2 unnecessary.


Chris Computing

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Re: Jobs from maya 2014.5 try to use old version of MentalRay
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2014, 08:28:25 PM »
Did option 1

I gave qube the specific exe path as suggested by the forum and it get farther but then fails with this error. I looked in the file and this is just an error when it checks and finds that maya is no longer rendering.......

launching: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2014\bin\mayabatch.exe -batch -prompt

ERROR: exception caught in maya::UniversalMayaRenderJob=HASH(0x34e91b0)->run()
ERROR: lost pipe to maya-- has it crashed? at //bluearc/render/qube/templates/jobtypes/maya/ line 601.

Looks like I'm going to have to try option 2. Is 2014.5 even able to work with Qube 6.3.6?


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Re: Jobs from maya 2014.5 try to use old version of MentalRay
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2014, 11:55:19 PM »
I just realized I interchanged 3dsMax with Maya in my reply.  Looks like you worked around that.  ;)

Does "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2014\bin\mayabatch.exe" exist on the worker machines?

You may need to log into each of the workers as the proxy user and launch Maya once to create all the maya directories for that user.

In fact, if you haven't already done that, I suggest that's the next thing you try.  Do it on one machine - log in as qubeproxy (or your proxy user), launch maya, close maya, log out, then resubmit the job.