Author Topic: Maya Jobtype, v4.0-7 released!  (Read 8819 times)


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Maya Jobtype, v4.0-7 released!
« on: June 09, 2006, 04:02:41 AM »

We have made some updates to our Maya Jobtype, and are happy to release it as version 4.0-7.

We have added support for Illuminate Lab's Turtle renderer, as well as the Maya Vector renderer
on supported platforms, and have rolled in several bug fixes. The release notes for
this version are below.

You may download it here:

Please download and install the appropriate versions for your systems.

Thank you,

Pipelinefx Support Team

# Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Pipelinefx L.L.C. All rights reserved.
# Filename: RELEASE.txt
# Description:
#  Release notes for the maya jobtype for Qube!

@RELEASE: 4.0-7 (2006-06-07)


Please read the README.txt file for the latest important information
regarding the installation and use of this package.


This release includes new support for Illuminate Labs' Turtle
renderer, as well as the Maya Vector renderer, for supported
platforms.  Several bug fixes also have been rolled in.

@FEATURE: Turtle support

This version added support for Illuminate Labs' Turtle renderer
version 3.0 for Maya 6.5 and Maya 7.0.

@FEATURE: Vector renderer support

This version added support for Maya's Vector renderer.

@FEATURE: Added automatic plugin loading capability

Added code to automatically load necessary renderer plugins, for
Mayatomr, VectorRender, and Turtle.

@FEATURE: proper MAYA_LOCATION override

Added code to override the MAYA_LOCATION environment varible when it
is improperly set.
BUGZID: 14305

@BUGFIX: detection of Maya version

Fixed bug where the routine to find the appropriate version of maya on
the system would incorrectly detect maya versions of executables.

@BUGFIX: fixed bug in setting up various paths

Fixed a bug which may have affected the "dirmap" feature of Maya
during Qube renders, while setting up paths such as projdir and

@BUGFIX: OSX window server issue

Added "-batch" flag to the invocations of maya, to avoid problem
on some OSX installations.  The OSX version of maya tries to connect
to the window server when the "-v" or "-prompt" option was specified
w/o the "-batch" option.
BUGZID: 14886

@BUGFIX: Rogue mayabatch processes

Added code to minimize the chance of having rogue mayabatch processes
on the worker when problems occur with the renderer.

« Last Edit: January 09, 2007, 01:22:39 AM by shinya »


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Re: Maya Jobtype, v4.0-7 released!
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2006, 10:45:29 AM »
Hello, all

It tunrs out that the linux RPM file for the new Maya jobtype was corrupt.
I have rebuilt the linux package and replaced the bad RPM file.

The new file's MD5 sum is:

bdb59af0868be893ae292b5cdb5440eb  qube-mayajt-4.0-7.i386.rpm

If you've already downloaded the file earlier, please re-download.
Sorry for any inconvenience...

PipelineFX team