Author Topic: How to modify callbacks and package after job submit via python  (Read 7292 times)


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How to modify callbacks and package after job submit via python
« on: October 30, 2014, 01:59:55 AM »
I'm trying to append new callbacks or modify package after job sumit.
But it's fail

Code: [Select]
qb.modify({'priority':123}, jobid)

package =  qb.jobinfo(id=pjob_id)[0]['package']
package['range'] = '1-999'
qb.modify({'package': package}, jodid)

callbacks =  qb.jobinfo(id=pjob_id, callbacks=1)[0]['callbacks']
qb.modify({'callbacks':callbacks}, jobid)

Am i missing something, or it's not possible to do this.


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Re: How to modify callbacks and package after job submit via python
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2014, 03:18:07 AM »
Sorry, but neither the callbacks nor the job package can be modified after submission.

For the callbacks, we recommend that you build the job's entire dependency set of jobs in one pass, and then submit the list of jobs to build a 'pgrp' of jobs.  When doing this, one job in a pgrp can refer to another job in a pgrp by the job's label, rather than having to know the job id of another job.

See our documentation for job labels:

Code: [Select]
frameRange = '1-10'
jobA = {
    'name': 'my ribgen job',
    'label': 'ribgenLabel',
    'prototype': 'cmdrange',
    'package': {
        'cmdline': 'my ribgen command...'
    'agenda': qb.genframes(frameRange),
jobB = {
    'name': 'my render job',
    'label': 'render',
    'status': 'blocked',
    'prototype': 'cmdrange',
    'package': {
        'cmdline': 'my render command...'
    'agenda': qb.genframes(frameRange),
callbacks = [
        'triggers': 'complete-job-ribgenLabel',
        'language': 'qube',
        'code': 'unblock-self'
jobB['callbacks'] = callbacks
qb.submit( [jobA, jobB] )


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Re: How to modify callbacks and package after job submit via python
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2015, 02:07:01 AM »
hi jburk:
Which Qube version support "process group/job label" feature?

Do i need to upgrade all Qube on Supervisor, RenderNode, client PC?
or just only need to upgrade Qube on supervisor?


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Re: How to modify callbacks and package after job submit via python
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2015, 11:10:23 PM »
These have been supported since Qube 4.