Author Topic: All IP addresses on Supervisor  (Read 14534 times)


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All IP addresses on Supervisor
« on: January 14, 2007, 06:17:49 AM »
I am having problems mounting the license file to my Windows 2003 Supervisor Server. This server has 2 networks cards, one with an IP to talk to all the external clients, one with an IP for the Worker blades. When I leave the address blank (supervisor_address = ) for the supervisor address in the qb.conf file I cannot get a license confirmation with the qbping command, but if I plug in one of the two corresponding IP addresses I do. The problem here is that depending on which IP I choose, either the worker or client reference, only one half is able to attach to the supervisor. According the the Supervisor Configuration Reference I should be able to use all the addresses on the host:

supervisor_address = "all ip addresses on host"

Any advice would be helpful.



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Re: All IP addresses on Supervisor
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2007, 01:38:24 PM »
Hey Roy,

     I'm going to ask a few questions to get a better feel for your configuration.  From what I understand you are using a supervisor with 2 NIC's.  Are these NIC's attached to different networks?  Essentially the supervisor is straddling 2 active networks?

     As for qbping, where are you running the command? on a worker or the supervisor?



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Re: All IP addresses on Supervisor
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2007, 05:05:15 PM »
Hi Anthony, Thanks for the quick reply.

Yes, the supervisor's NIC's are currently setup so one is connected to the public domain and the other for the internal network of worker blades; they each connect to a separate DNS and Subnet. This is a new HP blade center that we are testing and we are hoping to keep the blades off the public domain.

When I setup the supervisor with the IP associated with the local network for the blades the qbping command reports a successful attachment to the .lic file when run on both the worker blades and the supervisor. The Qubic interface also shows the workers as available for jobs when I run it on the supervisor.

If I setup the supervisor with the IP for the public domain for the client workstations the qbping command reports a successful attachment to the .lic file when run on both the public clients and the supervisor. Of course now the worker blades don't attach so the Qubic interface shows them as missing.



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Re: All IP addresses on Supervisor
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2007, 04:34:40 PM »
I have a suggestion that might help. By default, we configure the Worker to use a broadcast to "autodiscover" the Supervisor. Since you are operating two domains, this might be somehow confusing the Supervisor and preventing it from responding to Workers in both domains simultaneously. If you configure your Workers to point directly to your Supervisor, rather than autodiscover, they might work better.

You can use the Configuration GUI to reconfigure the Workers. Just add your Supervisor to the Supervisor field, and clear the Domain field (that turns off the autodiscover). Alternatively can edit their qb.conf file, by editing these entries:

qb_supervisor = mysupervisor
# qb_domain =

Commenting out the qb_domain should be sufficient.


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Re: All IP addresses on Supervisor
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2007, 05:07:37 PM »
One thing I have found is that if I don't put in an IP of one of the Supervisors NIC's in the "Network/Security" tab of the Supervisors Settings the license file will not mount on the Supervisor (I thought this was optional).

# (OPTIONAL) forces the supervisor to use a specific ip address.  This
# Address MUST be one of the addresses already allocated to the host.
supervisor_address =

Would this be related to the Supervisor having a Domain value versus being left blank on the General Settings on the Supervisor. Also I am leaving the Windows domain blank on all.



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Re: All IP addresses on Supervisor
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2007, 09:23:05 PM »
Hey Roy,

    The next question I have...  are the workers in separate networks? Ex.  192.168.10.x  and 192.168.15.x?  Also, if you specify qb_supervisor = <ip address> on the worker explicitly, does that fix things for you?


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Re: All IP addresses on Supervisor
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2007, 11:42:03 PM »
Hey Roy,

   Although I know we've resolved this one through the mail support system, I'll go ahead and post the problems we've seen to cause this here for everyone else.

   Essentially with the introduction of newer Hewlett Packard daemons recently, the port number 50000, 50001 and 50002 now conflict with this service.  Despite our use of these port numbers for the past 4 years, we do not have control over the actions of other corporations.  The resolution to the problem is as follows (Note this applies to Windows 2003 and FC 5.0 and 6.0):

#1.  Disable the HP daemons on the supervisor machine.  This appears to be the cleanest solution unless you absolutly need to use your supervisor as a print server.

#2.  Change the supervisor port numbers for all of your clients and workers.  This will entain opening up the qb.conf file on every single machine which uses qube! software to modify the supervisor_port and supervisor_sub_port settings.  You will also need to modify the superivsor_http_port as well on the supervisor itself.
