Author Topic: Disable qubewatchdog  (Read 11193 times)


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Disable qubewatchdog
« on: April 27, 2007, 07:44:15 PM »
I'm a noob with Qube! but I'm loving it so far.

Is there a way to disable the watchdog service? I think it's brilliant, but we're running command-line jobs in chunks of 100. If a user trips the watchdog, the block of 100 frame is flagged as failed.

I would prefer that the user manually have to take their machine off the queue.

What I would really like (and this probably isn't possible) is for the machine to be added to the queue if inactive for 30 minutes (watchdog activates the node) but I'd like to manually deactivate the node.

Any ideas? Thanks!


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Re: Disable qubewatchdog
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2007, 08:28:34 PM »
Hey qube_tester,
    Unfortunatly, we would have to modify the watchdog itself to get that particular effect.  We'll add this as a feature request for the watchdog itself.



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Re: Disable qubewatchdog
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2007, 08:52:39 PM »
Cool. Thanks.

So, for the time being, can I just disable the watchdog process on normal workstations? I still want to render on them at night, but I want the user to manually remove their workstation from the queue in the morning.



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Re: Disable qubewatchdog
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2007, 08:11:11 PM »
Cool. Thanks.

So, for the time being, can I just disable the watchdog process on normal workstations? I still want to render on them at night, but I want the user to manually remove their workstation from the queue in the morning.


To disable the watchdog, simply use the Services Control Panel to disable "qubewatchdog," or use the command line:

net stop qubewatchdog

Here's some tips on setting up automatic lock/unlock when a user logs in/out:

You can use Windows' logon/logoff scripts to automatically lock/unlock a machine when users logon/off. Basically, you'd call qblock machinename in the logon script, and qbunlock machinename in the logoff script.

To set up logon/logoff scripts for local logins, you edit settings in the Windows' "group policy editor":
  • "Start Menu" -> "Run..."
  • Type gpedit.msc, enter-- launches the group policy editor.
  • In the gpedit, in the left pane, choose User Configurations -> Windows Settings -> Scripts (Logon/Logoff)
  • On the right pane, double-click on the Logon, choose Add
  • In the "Script Name", type C:\Program Files\pfx\qube\bin\qblock, or browse to the file.
  • In the Script Parameter, type %COMPUTERNAME%.
  • Hit "OK".
  • Do the same for the Logoff script, but substitute qbunlock for qblock.

You also need to make sure that all users have permissions to "qblock" a machine. With qube 4.0, users do have this permission by default, but to make sure, see the qbusers --list output, and look for the line for user [default]. If it looks like:

---l jcg krmpbuicseyqg-vft      [default]

you're good (the 4th column's "l" means the default users have lock permission).