Author Topic: Jobtype xsi  (Read 11487 times)


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Jobtype xsi
« on: August 21, 2008, 05:19:14 PM »
Hi everybody,
I am very new to qube! and just trying to get a small test environment to work. I am able to submit simple command line jobs, but I am struggling with the xsi jobtype.

In the stdout tab of my qube! GUI I get the following message:
' ERROR : 2290 - This plug-in cannot be found: E:/Program Files/pfx/qube//../jobtypes/xsi/api/6.5/

This is quite irritating to me, because there is no /xsi/api/6.5/ folder (only 5.0, 5.1, 5.11). And why does it search for a *.so on a Windows box? I'd rather expect it to be looking for a *.dll?

Every idea and every help is very much appreciated.
Thank you for listening,
« Last Edit: August 21, 2008, 06:42:19 PM by laschmoove »


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Re: Jobtype xsi
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2008, 07:39:51 PM »
It's me again....

One thing I found out: It's a 64Bit issue. If I change line 35 in run.js from
if (Application.Platform == "Win32") {
if (Application.Platform == "Win32" || Application.Platform == "Win64") {
the job will search for qb.dll instead of I tried to create a 6.5 Folder and put the 5.11 qb.dll inside, but the job unfortunately prefers a 64Bit *.dll.
ERROR : 2360 - This plug-in is not compatible with the current platform and will be ignored:

So the question is where I can get a qb.dll for XSI 6.5 64 Bit?

Thanks again for listening,


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Re: Jobtype xsi
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2008, 01:19:10 AM »
This is known issue where the GUI isn't passing along the version information the backend needs in order to determine which method use in executing an XSI job. From 6.X onward, we use Python to execute XSI jobs, not the plug-in.
You can download and install a 5.3-1 version of the Job Type with a fix to the backend that should resolve this issue.


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Re: Jobtype xsi
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2008, 02:51:30 PM »
Thank you for the fast response and for your help. I am one step further now, but still I get error messages. Guess I'll have to dig a little deeper...
Thanks again!


Edit: removed quote because it was only due to a misconfiguration.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2008, 04:06:10 PM by laschmoove »


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Re: Jobtype xsi
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2008, 05:53:38 PM »
Ok, I hope I may continue bothering you with unqualified questions...

This is an extract of what I get now:
' INFO : Qube location (from QBDIR): F:\Program Files\pfx\qube\
' INFO : Appending to python path "F:\Program Files\pfx\qube\/api/python"
' INFO : Using qb python module from ['F:\\Program Files\\pfx\\qube\\api\\python\\qb']
' INFO : Qube! Softimage|XSI Menu has been loaded.
' INFO : Qube! Softimage|XSI Render Submission Window has been loaded.
COMMAND: -auxiliary_data C:\DOCUME~1\QUBEPR~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\KBVMPhITLC -continue -lang Python -script "F:\Program Files\pfx\jobtypes\xsi\"
' INFO : initializing qube backend library
getting job details for: 294.0
' INFO : getting jobobj
SetValue "preferences.scripting.cmdlog", 0
' INFO : Detected Version: 6.5
' INFO : Current Platform: Win64
' INFO : SceneFile: Q:\deleteMe\deleteMe\Scenes\TestScene_01.scn
>Loading: Q:\deleteMe\deleteMe\Scenes\TestScene_01.scn...
' INFO : 4034 - Loaded scene was created with build number: 6.5.2007.0829 - compatibility version: 600
' ERROR : 2000 - Argument 0 (Target) is invalid
' ERROR : 2001-EDIT-SetValue - Argument 0 is invalid - [line 1]
Unable to apply auxiliary data from file
' WARNING : 3000 - Unable to apply auxiliary data from file
' INFO : Parameter 'Passes.Default_Pass.RenderOptions.ImageFileName' is obsolete and has been replaced by 'Passes.Default_Pass.Main.Filename'.
' INFO :
' Project Path: Q:\deleteMe\deleteMe
' INFO : Overriding RenderOptions:
' INFO : Rendering the following passes:
' INFO :   Passes.Default_Pass
' INFO :
' ==================== WORK START ====================
requesting work for: 294.0
got work: 294:1 - running
' INFO : frames: 1
' INFO :
' ==================== START FRAME(s) #1 ====================
' INFO : processing frame(s): 1
' INFO : Rendering frame [1], pass [Default_Pass]
' INFO : appending to outputPaths: Q:\deleteMe\deleteMe\Render_Pictures\nomatterwhat.1.pic
' INFO : Rendering finished.  Status: failed
' INFO :   Elapsed time: 0 (ms)
' ERROR : There were some issues with processing frame:pass [1:Passes.Default_Pass]
' INFO : error-checking output files for existence and minimum size
' INFO : [Q:\deleteMe\deleteMe\Render_Pictures\nomatterwhat.1.pic]...
' ERROR : file does not exist
' ERROR : there were at least [1] errors during output file check
' INFO : Reporting frame status [failed] to supe
' INFO : {'count': 0, 'status': 'failed', 'timestart': 946702800, 'retry': -1, 'name': '1', 'lastupdate': 1219419552, 'resultpackage': {'outputPaths': 'Q:\\deleteMe\\deleteMe\\Render_Pictures\\nomatterwhat.1.pic'}, 'pid': 294, 'package': None, 'subid': 0, 'host': 'renderknecht2', 'result': '', 'data': '', 'id': 1, 'timecomplete': 946702800}
reporting status on work for: 294.0 1 - failed
' INFO :
' ==================== FAIL FRAME(s) #1 ====================
requesting work for: 294.0
got work: 294:2 - running
' INFO : frames: 2
' INFO :

That sounds like a python error to me. Has anybody an idea how to proceed?

I really appreciate every help. Thank you,
« Last Edit: August 22, 2008, 06:17:10 PM by laschmoove »


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Re: Jobtype xsi
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2008, 06:12:25 PM »
I recommend you open a support case with us.
We'll need to see the entire job log directory of the job:

You can locate the directory by logging into your Supervisor, and looking for the job log folder in the following location (depending upon your Supervisor platform):

\Program Files\pfx\qube\logs\job

Linux, OS X

In that folder, you will find a numbered directory that corresponds to the number of thousands in the job ID. (ID < 1000 = 0) Search in one of these folders for the one that corresponds to the correct job ID.

Zip up the entire job ID folder and reply to this email message with the zipped file.

If the zipped job ID folder turns out to be larger than 2MB, don't send it, but let us know and we will help you address the problem in an alternative fashion.


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Re: Jobtype xsi
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2008, 10:14:43 AM »
Hi everybody,
there is one thing we have not been aware of:
The XSI Jobtype is working as expected if submitted from the dialog within XSI, but it keeps failing if submitted directly via the Qube GUI.

Does anybody have a clue, what might cause this?

Thanks for your help,