Author Topic: Submitting a Mental Ray job trough Maya 2008  (Read 8007 times)


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Submitting a Mental Ray job trough Maya 2008
« on: December 08, 2008, 11:20:06 AM »
Hi all,
Im trying to submit a mental ray job through Maya 2008, but when I look at the result and read the log it says:  INFO: render not specified.. using default
When I look at the result I see that it used Maya Software as a render engine.

Anyone know how I can sort this out?
I have installed maya & mental ray as jobtypes, and in qube it reads from the worker that it has those installed.



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Re: Submitting a Mental Ray job trough Maya 2008
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2008, 11:17:25 PM »

One way to specify a renderer is to make sure that your renderer
preference is saved with the scene file.  You'd do that in
Maya's "Render Settings..." dialog, and save the file.

You may also override the renderer at submission.  If you're submitting
from the Qube GUI or the Maya in-app plugin submisison dialog, you should
see the "Renderer" pulldown menu.