I've installed and reset the configurations for a node, when rendering out an after effects jobtype this message comes up.
Can't locate qbboot.pm in @INC (@INC contains: C:\Program Files (x86)\pfx\jobtypes C:\Program Files\pfx\jobtypes C:\Program Files\pfx\qube\\types C:\Program Files\pfx\qube\api/perl/qb/blib/arch/auto/qb C:\Program Files\pfx\qube\api/perl C:/Perl/site/lib C:/Perl/lib .) at C:\Program Files\pfx\qube\api/perl/qb.pm line 59.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:\Program Files\pfx\qube\api/perl/qb.pm line 59.
Compilation failed in require at C:\WINDOWS\Temp\job\0\356\356_0.pm line 6.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:\WINDOWS\Temp\job\0\356\356_0.pm line 6.