Author Topic: Hiccups in AE CS4 Rendering.  (Read 9120 times)


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Hiccups in AE CS4 Rendering.
« on: January 22, 2009, 01:33:28 AM »
Hi, After rendering an 80-ish frame shot locally on a render node with success, I figured it was time to bring Qube into it the scene. A render that took 14 minutes locally is now pushing an Hour+

A snip of my stdOUT.

PROGRESS:  00158 (58): 25 Seconds
PROGRESS:  00159 (59): 27 Seconds
PROGRESS:  00160 (60): 25 Seconds
PROGRESS:  00161 (61): 53 Seconds
PROGRESS:  00162 (62): 28 Seconds
PROGRESS:  00163 (63): 32 Seconds
PROGRESS:  00164 (64): 1 Min, 4 Sec
PROGRESS:  00165 (65): 52 Seconds
PROGRESS:  00166 (66): 32 Seconds
PROGRESS:  00167 (67): 1 Min, 6 Sec
PROGRESS:  00168 (68): 55 Seconds
PROGRESS:  00169 (69): 46 Seconds
PROGRESS:  00170 (70): 54 Seconds
PROGRESS:  00171 (71): 2 Min, 2 Sec
PROGRESS:  00172 (72): 8 Min, 4 Sec
PROGRESS:  00173 (73): 39 Min, 17 Sec
PROGRESS:  00174 (74): 36 SecondMin, 2 Sec
PROGRESS:  00172 (72): 8 Min, 4 Sec
PROGRESS:  00173 (73): 39 Min, 17 Sec
PROGRESS:  00174 (74): 36 SecondondOGRESS:  00172 (72): 8 Min, 4 Sec
PROGRESS:  00173 (73): 39 Min, 17 Sec
PROGRESS:  00174 (74): 36 SecondMin, 2 Sec
PROGRESS:  00172 (72): 8 Min, 4 Sec
PROGRESS:  00173 (73): 39 Min, 17 Sec
PROGRESS:  00174 (74): 36 Secondond

As shown, a few of these frames took more than half an hour for an output, why is this happening?



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Re: Hiccups in AE CS4 Rendering.
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2009, 01:56:11 AM »
The frames in the output dir, their times have changed leading me to believe that qube is re-rendering frames.
Is there any option to re-render frames, that I should turn off?



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Re: Hiccups in AE CS4 Rendering.
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2009, 08:27:43 AM »
Hi jon1320

Are you specifying more than 1 "cpu" when submitting the job?
If so, I think the multiple instances of AE might be "stepping on
each other's toes".

Make sure that the "skip existing frames" is set in the Render
Queue.  This setting can be found at the bottom of the dialog box
that opens up when you click the underlined text next to "Render
Settings:", such as "Best Settings".  In the dialog box, check the
box next to "Skip existing files (allows multi-machine rendering)".


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Re: Hiccups in AE CS4 Rendering.
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2009, 08:07:45 PM »
Thank you. That's exactly what it was, It's silly that AE doesn't allow that flag to be manipulated from the command line  ::)

Now things are going great!

A shot that took 30 minutes to render out using 10 cpu's around the facility now gets done in 8 minutes using an 8-core render node with qube!

I'm stoked!

