WHAT IS THE DESKTOP WORKER?The Desktop Worker runs the Worker process as the user logged into the Worker machine instead of as a Windows Service? This means the "Desktop Worker" on Windows can also cut through nuances with user authentication and drive mounting. It will run the jobs as the user logged in and with all the drive mounts that the current user has setup.
HOW DO I SET IT UP?Question: How do I have the Worker run as a "Desktop Worker" on Windows?
Answer: It is fairly straight-forward to setup.
- Stop the Worker service
- Launch the Worker Tray (C:\Program Files\pfx\qube\sbin\workertray.exe)
- Right click on the qube tray icon and "Start Worker"
You can verify that this Worker is running as a "Desktop" or interactive Worker from the QubeGUI by looking in the Host/Worker Layout pane, clicking on the Worker, and looking at the Property Details on the right to see "host.proxy_mode" = "interactive".
Since this is not a service, if the user on the Worker logs off, the Worker will exit. It requires a user to be logged in and the Worker started.