Author Topic: Renderman for maya error  (Read 8891 times)


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Renderman for maya error
« on: June 19, 2009, 04:43:29 PM »
Hi Guys,

We're trying to render a scene from maya using the Renderman for maya 3.0 plugin.
It's simple test scene and renders fine with the sw renderer selected but the minute I switch over to RMFM it bombs. I have also tried submitting via the submit>mayabatch>rm jobtype in the gui but no joy. It's giving me a 'missing file name' error which is silly since it works fine with sw renderer and also lists contents when I do a qbsub test with dir.
Please help!


-     Worker 1325.0
[Jun 19, 2009 18:05:37] SUNRISE-NODE4 : job type version:
loading command line executor.
job id: 1325.0
requesting work for: 1325.0
got work: 1325:1-10 - running
INFO: running frame 1-10 -
INFO: running cmd: "Render" -s 1 -e 10 -b 1 -of "MayaIFF" -n 1 -rd "\\sunrise-server\jbSpringbok2\scenes\tests\brad" -proj "\\sunrise-server\jbSpringbok2\" -renderer "rman" -log "\\sunrise-server\jbSpringbok2\scenes\tests\brad\bradtest.txt" "\\sunrise-server\jbSpringbok2\scenes\tests\bradTest.mb"
COMMAND: "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe" /C ""Render" -s 1 -e 10 -b 1 -of "MayaIFF" -n 1 -rd "\\sunrise-server\jbSpringbok2\scenes\tests\brad" -proj "\\sunrise-server\jbSpringbok2\" -renderer "rman" -log "\\sunrise-server\jbSpringbok2\scenes\tests\brad\bradtest.txt" "\\sunrise-server\jbSpringbok2\scenes\tests\bradTest.mb""
reporting status on work for: 1325.0 1-10 - failed
requesting work for: 1325.0
complete notification - job done: -1
[Jun 19, 2009 18:05:37] SUNRISE-NODE4 : dll complete
l complete


-     Worker 1325.0
requesting work for: 1325.0
got work: 1325:1-10 - running
Missing file name
ERROR: exit status: 206
reporting status on work for: 1325.0 1-10 - failed
requesting work for: 1325.0
complete notification - job done: -1
e: -1