Author Topic: Q&A: Maya gives "ImportError" and other python errors at launch  (Read 13671 times)

Scot Brew

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  • Posts: 272
    • PipelineFX
Question: I am getting some "ImportError" messages and "unable to find Maya's Python modules" messages.  What's going on?

Answer: Maya rendering is sensitive to a python environment variables.  In particular PYTHONHOME.  If it is set, then Maya will likely fail.

Note: This PYTHONHOME is currently set in the QubeGUI on OSX if the export_environment job flag is set.  That environment varaible will be explicitly removed in the QubeGUI (releases 5.4.7 or 5.5.0) when starting a Maya job. 

Success Test Case
Code: [Select]
$ ./Render

Starting "/Applications/Autodesk/maya2008/"

mental ray for Maya 9.0
mental ray: version, 17 Jul 2007, revision 21668

FBX Plugin load location: '/Applications/Autodesk/maya2008/'
File read in 0 seconds.
Total Elapsed Time Since Start Of Maya (hh:mm:ss): 00:00:06

Failure Test Case
Code: [Select]
$ export PYTHONHOME=/Applications/pfx/qube/
$ ./Render

Starting "/Applications/Autodesk/maya2008/"

ImportError: No module named
Invalid Python Environment: Python is unable to find Maya's Python modules
Python Evironment:
  PYTHONHOME = /Applications/pfx/qube/
  System modules located at: /Applications/pfx/qube/
  Python cannot find sys module!
ImportError: No module named
Invalid Python Environment: Python is unable to find Maya's Python modules
Python Evironment:
  PYTHONHOME = /Applications/pfx/qube/
  System modules located at: /Applications/pfx/qube/
  Python cannot find sys module!
ImportError: No module named maya
ImportError: No module named maya.cmds
ImportError: No module named maya.utils
ImportError: No module named maya.mel
ImportError: No module named
Invalid Python Environment: Python is unable to find Maya's Python modules
Python Evironment:
  PYTHONHOME = /Applications/pfx/qube/
  System modules located at: /Applications/pfx/qube/
  Search path (sys.path):
mental ray for Maya 9.0
mental ray: version, 17 Jul 2007, revision 21668

FBX Plugin load location: '/Applications/Autodesk/maya2008/'
ImportError: No module named
File read in 0 seconds.
Total Elapsed Time Since Start Of Maya (hh:mm:ss): 00:00:06