Author Topic: supervisor_global_resources  (Read 7827 times)


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« on: October 06, 2009, 01:38:22 AM »
okay so i've defined a couple of resources in qb.conf on the supervisor

supervisor_global_resources = global.nuke=8,global.xsi=20

my question is - how do i tell qbsub that my job is a 'nuke' or 'xsi' one so it doesn't try and render more than the licenses we have? I don't see anything in the `qbsub --help' that applies to resources.


Scot Brew

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Re: supervisor_global_resources
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2009, 02:42:36 AM »
Set the reservations (--reservations using qbsub) to specify the licenses to use.
You can do this for jobs submitted via the commandline or the QubeGUI.

For example, via the commandline you can do something like:

qbsub --reservations "global.nuke=1" --range "1-10" sleep 20

This will reserve one of the global nuke resources for each running process and then release them when each process completes.