Author Topic: Submitting jobtypes through command line  (Read 16282 times)


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Submitting jobtypes through command line
« on: January 12, 2010, 05:41:41 AM »
Not sure if I'm posting this in the right section.

I'm trying to bypass the After Effects Qube submissing dialog in a script and just submit the job through the command line.

I can't seem to work out how to specify options like the appversion and project path.

If I run the following command:

Code: [Select]
qbsub --name afterEffectsTest1 --cpus 1 --priority 1 --prototype aftereffects H:\Compositing\episodes\episode99\seq01\afx_projects\testProject.aep
I can get a job in Qube with the after effects job type, but can someone explain how to specify the jobtype specific options. I know its something to do with package but don't know the syntax.



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Re: Submitting jobtypes through command line
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2010, 09:13:30 PM »
Hi Josh,

Yes, it's possible to submit AE jobs from the command-line, but it does
require you specify the "package" variables, in your case the path to the
project file, in an "encoded" format.

If you take a look at the job log directory of any AE job that you've submitted
thru the GUI, you'll see a *.xja file, which is an XML file.  Open that file in a
text editor, and search for the fields "<data>".  You'll need to pass a string
similar to that to the "-data" option of qbsub.  So, for example you'd use
something like:

 qbsub --name afterEffectsTest1 --cpus 1 --priority 1 --prototype aftereffects --data '(=(Project_path=H:\\Compositing\\episodes\\episode99\\seq01\\afx_projects\\testProject.aep)(appversion=8.0))'

Hope that helps!


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Re: Submitting jobtypes through command line
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2010, 10:10:30 PM »
Great thats exactly what I needed. Thanks  :)


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Re: Submitting jobtypes through command line
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2010, 10:39:42 PM »
I have just given it a go and I must be still doing something wrong. I can get the package variables into Qube now, but I'm getting the following error:

Code: [Select]
WARNING: Cannot find an executable matching exactly the version [9.0] in your PATH or in any of the system's standard locations at C:\Program Files\pfx\qube\api/perl/ line 514.
WARNING: In fact, no executable file was found anywhere at C:\Program Files\pfx\qube\api/perl/ line 521.
ERROR: exception caught in ->run()
ERROR: cannot find a suitable AfterEffects executable at C:\Program Files (x86)\pfx\jobtypes/aftereffects/ line 167.

Do I need to specifiy a command at the end of this command line:
Code: [Select]
qbsub --name afterEffectsTest1 --cpus 1 --priority 1 --prototype aftereffects --data (=(Output_file_path=H:\\Compositing\\episodes\\renders_temp\\winwks68)(Project_path=H:\\Compositing\\episodes\\episode99\\seq01\\afx_projects\\testProject.aep)(appversion=9.0))
Also is there a way to intercept or display the command qube is getting from the Qube submission dialog box?