Author Topic: VRay for Maya Problem!  (Read 24739 times)


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VRay for Maya Problem!
« on: May 27, 2010, 11:48:56 AM »
I'm using window XP for VRay license server.
I've checked dongle, VRay license after install VRay for maya.
It's launched VRay license server and registered VRay license service.
Everything is Okay for the 15 licenses in license server of window XP.
And I have 15 renderfarm nodes of Linux OS for VRay for Maya with Qube!
I've setted " setvrlservice.exe -server=serverhost " to every Linux renderfarm nodes.
Also I've checked ping from renderfarm nodes to Window XP for license server.
It is working.
But when I used VRay for Maya with Qube, It didn't work.

like this

Starting "/usr/autodesk/maya2009-x64/bin/maya"
Initializing V-Ray for Maya
File read in 1 seconds

Result: /input/Q/lsr/scenes/testVRAY.mb

Error: Could not obtain a license(111).

I have no idea about this.
Because it was just happened in batch render of VRay for Maya with Qube!
Everything is okay for Mentalray, software render with Qube.

And when I used command line for batch render of VRay for Maya, it was worked.
That means I've got a rendered image in renderer of VRay for Maya with just using command line without Qube!

I think the license of VRay for Maya is okay.
Because that error is just in Qube.
Do you have any idea about this?
Did I miss something for the installation of Qube on Linux?
Please Help me. What should I do?

My Qube Supervisor's version is 5.4.
And Maya's version is 2009 with VRay for Maya.

Do I need upgrade for VRay for Maya?

One more question, please.
I've upgraded Qube to 5.5.3 for just client.
Qube server is 5.4 still.

Does it make slower than just using client of Qube 5.4 for updating job in GUI?

I look forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards.


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Re: VRay for Maya Problem!
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2010, 08:18:46 PM »
You're on the right track when you ran Qube's command-line yourself to test.

Did you run this when remotely logged into the linux worker?  If you did, and it obtained a license properly, it may be that an environment variable is missing when the job is run by the worker.

Do you have vray licensing-related environment variables in your setup?

You might also simply submit a cmdline job the farm with a 'printenv' command, and look through the job logs for that job to see what sort of environment the job would be running in.


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Re: VRay for Maya Problem!
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2010, 12:59:18 AM »
Thank you for your fast answer.

I did batch render with this line that was " Render -r vray -proj /input/Q/lsr/ /input/Q/lsr/scenes/testVRAY.mb " on command line of Linux nodes without Qube. I've used 'ssh connection' for Linux nodes.

I've tried just Qube's vray batch render option.
I've forgotten Qube's command-line. Sorry about this.

I'm learning about Qube! I'm a beginner.

I'll try to do vray render in Qube's command-line.

And I'll let you know after vray render test with Qube's command-line option.

Thanks again.

Best Regards.


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Re: VRay for Maya Problem!
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2010, 08:23:44 AM »

I've tried again..

But It didn't make.

hmm. I have no idea.
I wrote down this for VRay rendering in each 15 render nodes without Qube!

Render -r vray -proj /input/Q/lsr/ /input/Q/lsr/scenes/testVRAY.mb

It was perfect with VRay rendering in Maya.
There is no licence Error.

But If I use the same batch render command in Qube's cmdline job,
the error came out.

please look this Qube's message.
I think there is no problem.
VRay for maya doesn't have special option for license.


INFO: running cmd: "/usr/autodesk/maya2009-x64/bin/Render" -s 20 -e 20 -b 1 -proj "/input/Q/lsr" -renderer "vray"  "/input/Q/lsr/testVRAY.mb"
INFO: Using shell: /bin/sh
COMMAND: "/usr/autodesk/maya2009-x64/bin/Render" -s 20 -e 20 -b 1 -proj "/input/Q/lsr" -renderer "vray"  "/input/Q/lsr/testVRAY.mb"
INFO: execution successful.
[May 28, 2010 11:20:54] blade07 : reporting status on work for: 295.0 20 - complete
[May 28, 2010 11:20:54] blade07 : requesting work for: 295.0
[May 28, 2010 11:20:54] blade07 : got work: 295:29 - running


requesting work for: 295.9
got work: 295:71 - running

Starting "/usr/autodesk/maya2009-x64/bin/maya"

Initializing V-Ray for Maya

File read in 1 seconds.
Result: /input/Q/lsr/testVRAY.mb
Error: Could not obtain a license (111).

My Qube's supervisor version is 5.4.
And Qube's worker for VRay for Maya version is 5.5.

Is this problem with the license?
But mentalray, software Rendering in Maya is okay.
Just that Error is for Vray for Maya.

We have 60 Linux render nodes with Linux server.
But we are just using 15 nodes for VRay for Maya.
Also it is grouped for VRay rendering.

Do I need to use License Resources for VRay for Maya?

Right now we are connect each Lunux nodes for VRay for Maya and write down
this command "Render -r vray -proj /input/Q/lsr/ /input/Q/lsr/scenes/testVRAY.mb "
for VRay rendering without Qube!

When I used my two home PC for VRay rendering in Qube, It was perfect.
But at that time Qube's supervisor, worker version was 5.5.2.
Do you think this problem is from the different Qube version?

Please help us.

Thanks again

Best Regards.


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Re: VRay for Maya Problem!
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2010, 05:55:28 PM »
It may be the Maya licensing is not set up for non-login sessions.

Can you run a maya software render through Qube, or do you get the same license error?

If you do get an error, can you remotely login to the linux worker, and check the value of a couple environment variables:


If neither of these are set, try setting them in the .login file in your home directory (with the appropriate syntax depending on whether you're running bash or a csh-variant)

export MAYA_LICENSE_METHOD=network
export ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE=@<your_license_server_name>

setenv MAYA_LICENSE_METHOD network
setenv ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE @<your_license_server_name>

The goal is to get these environment variables to be set for non-interactive shells.  If you put these values in your .cshrch or .profile or .bashrc, they will be set when you ssh into a machine, but not when you run qube jobs, since the qube jobs aren't run as a logged-in user or a user who's running a command remotely via "ssh <command>"
« Last Edit: May 28, 2010, 06:18:44 PM by jburk »


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Re: VRay for Maya Problem!
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2010, 08:49:50 AM »
Thank you for your help.

I can run a maya software render and a maya mentalray render through Qube.
There is no licese error for the maya software render and the maya mentalray render.

I cannot run just a VRay for maya render through Qube.

I'll try to do as your suggestion for the error.

If you have any more idea about this Please let me know.

After trying the solution I'll let you know also.
Thanks again.

« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 03:51:56 PM by sersia »


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Re: VRay for Maya Problem!
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2010, 05:50:19 PM »
If you can run a maya and mentalray render through Qube, then the enviroment variables I've suggested are already being set properly.

I would submit a cmdline job that simply runs the 'printenv' command, and then ssh into a worker and run the printenv command again, and then compare the output of both those commands.

You're looking for something that is set when you log in, but not when you run a Qube job.  Or it may be that something is set differently between the two environments.

There will be a fair amount of difference, but most will be related to DISPLAY and other fairly arcane settings; you're looking for something more obvious.

I also see that the vray licensing setup is user-specific; are your workers running in user or proxy mode?  Check the "proxy_execution_mode" in the worker's configuration.

If they're running in proxy mode, then you'll need to login as the proxy user and run the vray licensing setup to set up the vray licensing for the proxy user.


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Re: VRay for Maya Problem!
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2010, 10:13:57 AM »
Thank you for your help with your kindness.

It was solved.

I've done re-setting for the VRay's License through qubeproxy login.

It is working now.

Thanks again.

Best Regards..