There is a hiccup in our most recent version of the Windows supervisor that requires python be installed on the supervisor in order for it to run. I apologize that you got this version - we only discovered the issue recently & are working to fix it as we speak.
Note that 6.1-1 and 6.0-2 do not have this issue, while 6.1-2 and 6.0-3 both exhibit it.
In the interest of time, however, you can get around this problem by going here: to the bottom, and choosing the "Community Edition," also labeled "FREE". Download that, install, then the supervisor should run.
Since you have reset your database, your job ids will start back at 250. You almost assuredly still have job log folders for those jobs in c:\programdata\pfx\qube\logs\job\* (note that's "programdata" not "program data"). You will need to either move or remove the logs in that dir so that they can be recreated, otherwise, you'll be viewing old logs if you are able to view them at all.