That's definitly helped.
I will try again with callback as I would like to have an interface that kick a cache, assign the cache in the maya scene tahn render it, all in one job overnight! So I guess callback is the right function for that.
Anyway, I have a script running now. Just the strings that I am getting from a maya python interface are not working straight away. I have to cast them otherwise the cmdline is not sent.
I am using str(scriptPath) and not simply scriptPath.
cmdLine = ('/mnt/RT0/tools/SITE/software/Linux/maya_2012_SP2/bin/Render -r file -rd %s -s QB_FRAME_START -e QB_FRAME_END %s'%(str(renderPath), str(scriptPath)))
submitDict = {
'name' : 'maya '+ scriptName,
'prototype' : 'cmdrange',
'priority': priority,
'agenda' : agenda,
'cpus' : cpus,
'groups' : 'mantra',
'package' : {
'cmdline': cmdLine,
'frameCount' : packets,
'range' : '1-%s' % (int(nbJobs)),
'script' : baseName,
'regex_outputPaths ': 'Writing (.*) took [0-9.\-]+ seconds ',
'executable' : "/mnt/RT0/tools/SITE/software/Linux/maya_2012_SP2/bin/Render",
The agenda command is genframes and not genFrames (so it is working!!)
So I get
print qb.__file__
# Result: ['Callback', 'Host', 'Job', 'QBObject', 'QB_API_BINARY', 'QB_API_XML', 'QB_CLIENT_DEFAULT_CONF', 'QB_SUPERVISOR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_LICENSE_FILE', 'QB_SUPERVISOR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_LOGFILE', 'QB_SUPERVISOR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_LOGPATH', 'QB_SUPERVISOR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_WORKER_CONFIGFILE', 'QB_TIME_EPOCH_OFFSET', 'QB_WORKER_CONFIG_DEFAULT_LOGFILE', 'Subjob', 'Work', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__docformat__', '__dontlookatme__', '__file__', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__', '_assignment', '_init_assign', '_qb', '_qb26', '_setjob', 'archivejob', 'binarySort', 'block', 'blockwork', 'bottom', 'checkpassword', 'complete', 'completework', 'convertpath', 'currenttime', 'deleteworkerproperties', 'deleteworkerresources', 'encryptpassword', 'error', 'genchunks', 'genframes', 'genpartitions', 'getlogpath', 'getresources', 'getsupervisor', 'gettimeout', 'getusers', 'hist', 'hostinfo', 'hostorder', 'interrupt', 'jobconfig', 'jobid', 'jobinfo', 'jobobj', 'joborder', 'jobtypeavailable', 'kill', 'killwork', 'localconfig', 'migrate', 'modify', 'os', 'ping', 'preempt', 'qbPythonVer', 'qbadmin_reconfigureworkers', 'rangechunk', 'rangepartition', 'rangesplit', 're', 'recoverjob', 'remove', 'reportjob', 'reportwork', 'requestwork', 'requeue', 'requeuework', 'resume', 'retire', 'retirework', 'retry', 'retrywork', 'setlogpath', 'setsupervisor', 'settimeout', 'setusers', 'shove', 'stats', 'stderr', 'stdout', 'subid', 'submit', 'supervisorconfig', 'suspend', 'sys', 'top', 'unblock', 'unblockwork', 'updatelocalconfig', 'updatepassword', 'updateresources', 'updateworkerconfig', 'updateworkerproperties', 'updateworkerresources', 'version', 'waitfor', 'warnings', 'workblock', 'workcomplete', 'workerconfig', 'workerlock', 'workerpathmap', 'workerping', 'workkill', 'workrequeue', 'workretry', 'workunblock'] #
Thanks a lot