Author Topic: Qube! 5.0 has been released!  (Read 8581 times)


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Qube! 5.0 has been released!
« on: February 09, 2007, 10:17:18 PM »
Qube! 5.0 is now available and ready for download.  This new version provides a more responsive and efficient core with increased stability. We?ve enhanced support for Windows and added support for Fedora Core 5.0, Redhat Enterprise Linux 4.0, Suse Linux 10.0.  Several new features will make Qube! easier to use for system administrators with more options added for searching and categorizing jobs.  The API?s have been improved by exposing more features and we?ve added support for Python 2.5.  Many new Job Types and features for existing Job Types have been added that provide more options and a better user experience. 

New in Qube! 5.0

Job Types:
3ds Max:
Added support for 3ds Max 9.0
Added support for Maya 8.0.
New in-application submission dialog offering a more user friendly       interface with improved layout.
New backend that will take advantage of the plug-in-render architecture.
Brand new Job Type for mentalray Standalone
New job type for Maya to MentalRay .mi file conversions.  Includes a submission dialog within Maya.
Pre-render permission check of input files and output directories and post-render error checking of output files.

The system now displays a reason when any job is pending. This provides a broader explanation and notification 
on why jobs are unable to start.
Added optional ?description? field to workers as a way for administrators to describe their machines.  This can be 
:Dspecified in the qb.conf file.
Provide ability for jobs to return feedback information in a ?resultspackage? after running on a worker.  This
ability allows job types such as Maya to return back information such as the names of the resulting output

Faster submission of jobs by limiting the number of Subjob Workers to be equal to or less than the number of
Agenda Items.
Enhanced queue performance for jobs that do not have any Agenda Items by autocompleting their subjobs.
Addressed performance issue with the watchdog affecting the command prompt window.
Improved general performance for the job commands (kill, remove, etc.).

API and Scripting:
Added Python 2.5 support for Windows and OSX in addition to the native versions of python installed on the
Linux platforms.
Exposed to Python more of the Qube! C++ API.  Added the commands setsupervisor(), getsupervisor(), ping(),
stats(), modify(), killwork(), blockwork(), unblockwork(), retrywork(), requeuework(), checkpassword(),
workerlock(), qbjobtypeavailable(), and qbjobconfig().
Added Agenda Items to the Python call qb.archivejob()
Improved Supervisor communication reliability and messaging prioritization by adding a new worker sub-port that 
addresses the ?max connections? issue.
Added support for retrieving ?Start? and ?Complete? times for Subjob and Agenda Items via C++, Python, and
Commandline.  One can now immediately access how long Frames are taking to complete.

Command Options:
Ability to filter jobs based on percent complete with the ?qbjobs--percent? command option.
Ability to display contents of job archive files (*.qja or *.xja) with the ?qbjobs ?archive? command. 
Ability to modify a job?s host group using the new ?qbmodify ?groups? command option.  These host groups offer
a way to organize hosts.
Provide XML output option for job history with the ?qbhist ?xml? command option.
Offer advanced filtering ability using expressions via the ?qbjobs ?expression? command option.  For example, ?id   

The watchdog service for Windows is now 64-bit compatible.
Qube! no longer requires .NET to be installed to operate correctly.
Added an email queue to cache unsent email and send it later.  For example, if the email server is down or mail is   
rejected, the email is cached and sent later.
Corrected issue on Windows where the logs for daemons had lines out of order.
Fixed Linux memory tracking for 2.6.x kernels
Improved and fixed issues with the remote configuration system.
Ability to allow MySql administrators to specify a prefix for their Qube! MySql databases in order to facilitate
keeping the database names unique.  (Advanced)

Platforms Supported:

Fedora Core 2.0
Fedora Core 3.0
Fedora Core 5.0 NEW
Redhat Linux 9.0
Redhat Enterprise Linux 3.0
Redhat Enterprise Linux 4.0 NEW
SUSE Linux 9.2
SUSE Linux 9.3
SUSE Linux 10.0 NEW
Apple OSX 10.4
Windows 2003
Windows XP
Windows 2000