I have several mac based clients running Maya that need to be able to submit to our render farm, which we are converting to be PC based due to cost/performance issues. We have been running XServe's as render nodes for a couple of years now and both the PC and mac clients always worked fine, but now that I am adding PC's to the farm, none of the mac clients can use them because the jobs fail due to pathing issues.
Basically, what I have done to get both macs and PC's to work on the XServe's is on all the mac machines, I have an automount setup that automatically mounts the share to a directory on the root of the drive. So my directory structure is /server/share, where /server is a directory I created and I am using it as a mount point for the share. When a PC submits to the mac based servers, the mac's recognizes the //server/share without an issue. But now that I have PC render nodes, they can't recognize the /server/share format, which is what happens when I submit from a mac client.
On all of the clients, I am using the Maya job type and I am submitting the job from the Maya interface. The mac clients access their projects in the /server/share format, and the PC clients access their projects through the \\server\share format.
Does anyone know of a way to get the maya job type on a mac to work correctly with a PC based farm? I am guessing that I may have to edit the MEL/Perl scripts, which is no big deal, as long as someone can point me in the right direction.