Author Topic: OSX error  (Read 9610 times)


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OSX error
« on: June 16, 2009, 03:01:31 PM »
Whats the likely cause for this cmdline job error:

Starting "/Applications/Autodesk/maya2008/"
*** Fatal Error: Failed creating directory: /Autodesk/maya
Maya could not create the necessary startup directories.
Please check for sufficient disk space and necessary write permissions.

and a cmdrange job returns:

Starting "/Applications/Autodesk/maya2008/"
*** Fatal Error: Failed creating directory: /Autodesk/maya
Maya could not create the necessary startup directories.
Please check for sufficient disk space and necessary write permissions.
reporting status on work for: 1050.0 25 - complete
requesting work for: 1050.0
complete notification - job done: -1

This is a test setup with one worker, one supervisor and one client machine. All running OSX. The file is a simple 25 frame Maya scene. The paths are all correct, having successfully tested cmdline ls /Volumes/path_to_folder/file.mb jobs. I have confirmed that the directory reported in the error has read and write privilege set for everyone on both the client and worker.

Any ideas?



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Re: OSX error
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2009, 03:20:25 PM »
It's worth noting that I have tried qbsub on the commandline. If I execute this on the worker the job completes correctly. This also complete correctly from the supervisor machine. If however I execute this from the client, then it fails with the same gui error shown in the above post.



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Re: OSX error
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2009, 02:30:47 PM »
An update on this, incase anyone else suffers the same issues.

I created two folders on the root of my drive called Autodesk and temp and made sure that the permissions were set correctly so both the logged in user and qubeproxy account could read and write to them.

Worked for me.