I seem to be having trouble with the 'dependency' job property, and getting it to work correctly. Here's a simple example, wher JobB should wait for jobA to complete before starting:
jobA = {'name': 'jobA', 'package': {'cmdline': 'echo Running JobA 1>&2'}, 'agenda': qb.genframes(1), 'prototype': 'cmdrange'}
listOfSubmittedJobs = qb.submit([jobA])
jobAJobID = listOfSubmittedJobs[0]['id']
jobB = {'name': 'jobB', 'package': {'cmdline': 'echo running Job B 1>&2'}, 'dependency': 'link-complete-job-%s' % (jobAJobID), 'agenda': qb.genframes(1), 'prototype': 'cmdrange'}
jobA runs (while jobB is blocked), but jobB never gets unblocked when jobA completes. When selecting jobB in the UI, it properly reports: "dependsup: 53296" (which is the jobID for jobA).
I've tried simply using the job name (and not the job id) for the dependency, but same problem:
jobA = {'name': 'jobA', 'package': {'cmdline': 'echo Running JobA 1>&2'}, 'agenda': qb.genframes(1), 'prototype': 'cmdrange'}
jobB = {'name': 'jobB', 'package': {'cmdline': 'echo running Job B 1>&2'}, 'dependency': 'link-complete-job-jobA', 'agenda': qb.genframes(1), 'prototype': 'cmdrange'}
Any ideas? We are running qube UI 5.4.6 and qube scripts report "Qube! - version: 5.4-2 build: bld-5-4-2009-07-01-0".