Author Topic: Can't browse output dir or view images when using V-Ray for Maya 2011 OS X  (Read 9350 times)


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right clicking the job or subjob then ->browse output dir takes me to the Qube installation folder.

Tried adding V-Ray's reg ex search string to but no dice.

Read somewhere about editing the job.conf file?

No documentation on setting outputPath regex strings in the developer, GUI, or simpleCmds guides bundled with Qube!  No info on the forums here either ... kind of suprised.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

*screenshot of GUI is attached*



[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 01:19:23 AM by RESIDENT_CREATIVE »


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Re: Can't browse output dir or view images when using V-Ray for Maya 2011 OS X
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2011, 03:09:04 AM »
Adding the following to the *seemed* to do the trick ... though when "view image" from the GUI clicked, it defaults to the most recent render layer (not neccessarily what is printed in the "output" column of the GUI).  Each subjob is doing all layers though, so perhaps this is normal behavior.

Regardless, something tells me I fudged this whole thing.  Hopefully John, Scott, or Brian might hit this thread up with the proper way to do it.  In any case, here's what I added:

elsif ($renderer eq "vray") {
            $postFrameCheck = 1;
            $successRegex = 'Successfully written image file \"(.*)\"';