Does anyone know what this means? Just introduced our first Window's based OS into our farm. Before this error, I had a perl not recognnized, so I installed Perl from Activestate. Now when testing this server with Qube, I get an:
Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: C:\Program Files (x86)\pfx\qube\examples\jobtypes C:\Program Files\pfx\qube\examples\jobtypes C:\Program Files\pfx\qube\examples\cpp\\types C:\Program Files\pfx\qube\examples\cpp\api/perl/qb/blib/arch/auto/qb C:\Program Files\pfx\qube\examples\cpp\api/perl C:/Perl64/site/lib C:/Perl64/lib .) at C:\ProgramData\Pfx\Qube\logs\job\0\828\ line 6.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:\ProgramData\Pfx\Qube\logs\job\0\828\ line 6.
Does anyone have any clue on how to address and fix this bug?