There are two ways you can solve this. Binary range ordering or preview frames.
Binary ordering is one of the options for "rangeOrdering" under the "Qube Frame Range" section of the submission window (only visible in "Expert Mode"). This will change the order in which the frames render from 1,2,3, ... 100, to 1,100,50,25,75, etc... In other words, it will do the first frame, last frame, then divide in half, and in half, and in half, until the job is done.
In Qube 6.3, Qube introduced Preview frames.
To submit a Preview Frames job, check the Use Preview Frames checkbox. You may also explicitly specify which frames are the preview frames by explicitly listing them in the Frame Numbers box, using the same syntax used to specify the ?Range? (i.e., comma-separated values, such as ?1,10,25 or ?1-11x5). If you don‘t, the system will pick the first, last, and middle frames (3 total) automatically. Note that there may be an upper-limit on how many preview frames you may specify for each job, set by the site- administrator.
More information on preview frames can be found in section of the User guide.