Author Topic: Qube Installer 2.1-0 now available  (Read 6654 times)


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Qube Installer 2.1-0 now available
« on: July 01, 2014, 09:26:52 PM »
New in version 2.1

  • Worker mode selection (service mode or desktop-user mode) during install.
  • Worker mode will be stored in kickstart file so all subsequent installs will start the same way w/o any additional configuration.
  • Notification of and the ability to update using a newer manifest file if the copy in the PFX Internet repository is newer than the local copy.
  • Ubuntu support.
  • The user who installs the supervisor will automatically become a Qube administrator.
  • Better handling of no internet connection.
  • Better clean-up of old installations.
  • Windows upgrades will not force a machine restart, even if upgrading a running component (like the GUI)
  • General bug fixes and improvements.