hmm, ok. word
Actually, I found I could get the behavior I was after with using some python as the callback trigger...
unblock_code = 'jobid = str(qb.jobid())\n\
args = ["%s:%i" % (jobid, work) for work in range({0},{1})]\n\
qb.workunblock(*args)'.format(start, end+1)
callbacks.append({'triggers':'done-work-self-convert', 'language': 'python', 'code':unblock_code})
but actually, speaking of unblocking the jobs I have another question along those lines.
Say I have a job that is submitted as blocked, onn the job itself but also on some of it's work agenda items.
If a user ten selects the job in WrangleView and unblocks the job, the work items also unblock. Is this an intentional/desired behavior? To me, it seems like it should just unblock the job, not the work items (which should be unblocked explicitly from the Frames/Work panel)