Author Topic: XSI Jobtype, v4.0-8 released! (BROKEN!! Please use 4.0-9!!)  (Read 8659 times)


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XSI Jobtype, v4.0-8 released! (BROKEN!! Please use 4.0-9!!)
« on: November 08, 2006, 05:46:50 AM »
We have found out that the 4.0-8 release was broken.  If you
had already downloaded it, please discard it, download 4.0-9 and use that instead. 
Pardon us for the inconvenience [11/10/06]

Aloha Folks,

We've made changes to our XSI jobtype, and have posted a new version to our ftp site.

The new version adds:

* XSI 5.11 support
* more robust executable search in various paths on the worker
* more robust I/O error checking
* better multi-pass rendering support

and a few bug fixes.

You may download it here:

Please download and install the appropriate versions for your systems.

Thank you,

Pipelinefx Support Team

@RELEASE: 4.0-8 (2006-11-07)


Please read the README.txt file for the latest important information
regarding the installation and use of this package.


This release should work with qube-core version 4.0-0 and above.


This maintenance release includes:

* XSI 5.11 support
* more robust executable search in various paths
* more robust I/O error checking
* listbox for multi-pass rendering submission

and a few bug fixes.

@FEATURE: XSI v5.11 support

This release adds support for XSI 5.11.

@FEATURE: robust executable search

Now the jobtype searches for the xsibatch exectuable in the
environment variable PATH, paths stored in the windows registry
(for windows only), and the standard "default" locations, in
that order. 

@FEATURE: robust I/O error check

Now the input scenefile is checked for existence and readability,
and the output directories for writability. 

@FEATURE: listbox for pass selection

The in-application submission dialog now supports a listbox,
instead of a pull-down menu, to allow for submissions of
2 or more specific passes at once.

@BUGFIX: job submissions with "blocked" status

jobs submitted with "blocked" status now blocks when entering
the system.

@BUGFIX: job submissions with "domain"

jobs submitted with "domain" specified now work as expected.

@BUGFIX: specifying "All passes" plus another pass

Specifying "All passes" AND one or more individual pass used to
fail the job.  It now works as expected (renders all passes once).

« Last Edit: January 09, 2007, 01:20:03 AM by shinya »


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Re: XSI Jobtype, v4.0-8 released!
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2006, 11:45:37 PM »
We have identified a "show-stopper" error in the 4.0-8 release of the XSI jobtype, so removed it from our ftp site.
A corrected version, release 4.0-9 will be uploaded (and announced) shortly, so please use that version instead.

Sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you!