the stderr (probably truncated) is:
SCEN 0.2 progr: begin scene preprocessing for frame 50
SCEN 0.2 info : 335 geometry leaf instances (308 scheduled, 0 cached, 27 shared)
SCEN 0.2 info : 7 light leaf instances
SCEN 0.2 info : wallclock 0:00:00.02 for scene preprocessing
SCEN 0.2 info : CPU user 0:00:00.02 for scene preprocessing
SCEN 0.2 info : allocated 64 MB, max resident 64 MB
RC 0.2 info : scene extent: (-189.80,26.91,-70.43) : (135.22,139.41,70.43)
RC 0.2 info : option: scanline off
RC 0.2 info : option: trace on
RC 0.2 info : option: trace depth reflection 4, refraction 8, sum 20
RC 0.2 info : option: acceleration large bsp
RC 0.2 info : option: bsp size 10
RC 0.2 info : option: bsp depth 40
RC 0.2 info : option: shadow sort
RC 0.2 info : option: shadow maps (use) (detail) (recompute)
RC 0.2 info : option: lightmap on
RC 0.2 info : option: motion off
RC 0.2 info : option: luminance weights 0.212671 0.71516 0.072169
RC 0.2 info : option: caustic off
RC 0.2 info : option: globillum off
RC 0.2 info : option: finalgather off
RC 0.2 info : option: samples min 0, max 3
RC 0.2 info : option: contrast 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01, all buffers
RC 0.2 info : option: jitter 1
RC 0.2 info : option: filter gauss 3 3
RC 0.2 info : option: render space object
RC 0.2 info : option: face both
RC 0.2 info : option: field off
RC 0.2 info : option: hair on
RC 0.2 info : option: hardware off
RC 0.2 info : option: task size 64
RC 0.2 info : option: pixel preview off
RC 0.2 info : option: lens on
RC 0.2 info : option: volume on
RC 0.2 info : option: geometry on
RC 0.2 info : option: displace on
RC 0.2 info : option: premultiply on
RC 0.2 info : option: colorclip raw
RC 0.2 info : option: output on
RC 0.2 info : option: merge on
RC 0.2 info : option: fb mem management mapped
RC 0.2 info : option: type filter name
RC 0.2 info : rgba_fp yes color
RC 0.2 info : rgba_fp yes mayaGlow
RC 0.2 info : z yes CAMZ:Zdepth.interiorOrbit
RC 0.2 info : z yes CAMZ:depthZ.interiorOrbit
RC 0.2 info : a_fp yes COV:coverage.interiorOrbit
RC 0.2 info : camera: focal length 0.681101
RC 0.2 info : camera: aperture 1.41732
RC 0.2 info : camera: aspect 1.777
RC 0.2 info : camera: resolution 1280 720
RC 0.2 info : camera: clip 0.01 1000
RC 0.2 info : camera: frame 50 50 0
RC 0.2 progr: rendering
RCI 0.2 progr: begin intersection preprocessing
RCI 0.2 info : using large BSP for eye rays
RCI 0.2 info : using large BSP for secondary rays
RCI 0.2 progr: building initial extent bsp-tree
RCI 0.2 info : leaves without shadow : 6
RCI 0.2 info : leaves with only shadow : 0
RCI 0.2 info : leaves with both : 329
RCI 0.2 progr: end intersection preprocessing
RCI 0.2 info : wallclock 0:00:00.00 for intersection prep.
RCI 0.2 info : CPU user 0:00:00.00 for intersection prep.
RCI 0.2 info : allocated 65 MB, max resident 78 MB
PHEN 0.2 info : -----------------------------------------------
PHEN 0.2 info : mayabase version 10.8, compiled on Jul 28 2009.
PHEN 0.2 info : -----------------------------------------------
IMG 0.6 progr: opening texture /fs1/data/personal/adi/CarDemo/sourceimages/LEATHER/Leather_Tile_01.jpg, for reading
IMG 0.6 progr: opening texture /fs1/data/personal/adi/CarDemo/sourceimages/HDRI/DH205SN.hdr, for reading
IMG 0.13 progr: opening texture /fs1/data/personal/adi/CarDemo/sourceimages/dotsNInvRed.exr, for reading
JOB 0.3 progr: 0.4% rendered on
.................................. bla bla from 0 to 100%..........................................
JOB 0.8 progr: 99.5% rendered on
JOB 0.9 progr: 100.0% rendered on
RC 0.2 info : rendering statistics
RC 0.2 info : type number per eye ray
RC 0.2 info : eye rays 13825670 1.00
RC 0.2 info : reflection rays 887011 0.06
RC 0.2 info : refraction rays 607477 0.04
RC 0.2 info : shadow rays 742422392 53.70
RC 0.2 info : environment rays 132092 0.01
RC 0.2 info : probe rays 1783917704 129.03
RCI 0.2 info : main bsp tree statistics:
RCI 0.2 info : max depth : 40
RCI 0.2 info : max leaf size : 382
RCI 0.2 info : average depth : 35
RCI 0.2 info : average leaf size : 8
RCI 0.2 info : leafnodes : 19827021
RCI 0.2 info : bsp size (Kb) : 1264458
PHEN 0.2 progr: calling output shaders
PHEN 0.2 progr: maya_shaderglow(): Computing glow...
PHEN 0.2 info : maya_shaderglow(): Glow: Filter Width .... 41
PHEN 0.2 info : maya_shaderglow(): Resolution ...... 0.638926
PHEN 0.2 info : maya_shaderglow(): Normalization ... 3.362000
PHEN 0.2 info : maya_shaderglow(): Halo: Filter Width .... 101
PHEN 0.2 info : maya_shaderglow(): Resolution ...... 0.260841
PHEN 0.2 info : maya_shaderglow(): Normalization ... 20.402000
PHEN 0.2 progr: maya_shaderglow(): Done!
PHEN 0.2 progr: writing image file /fs1/data/personal/adi/CarDemo/images/INTERIOR_5_CAMS_20/interiorOrbit/interiorOrbit.0050.exr (frame 50)
RC 0.2 progr: rendering finished
RC 0.2 info : wallclock 1:06:29.07 for rendering
RC 0.2 info : CPU user 8:20:44.24 for rendering
RC 0.2 info : allocated 1983 MB, max resident 3039 MB
GAPM 0.2 info : triangle count (including retessellation) : 26460066
PHEN 0.2 info : Reflection rays skipped by threshold: 5677
Scene /fs1/data/personal/adi/CarDemo/scenes/INTERIOR_5_CAMS_20.mb completed.
requesting work for: 792.2
as you can see the frame is set as completed and the worker requested work after finishing it but it gets the same frame again
got work: 792:50 - running
find: /opt/deadline: Permission denied
find: /usr/lib64/audit: Permission denied
Starting "/usr/autodesk/maya2010-x64/bin/maya"
mental ray for Maya 2010
mental ray: version, Jun 17 2009, revision 88216
mental ray: using SpiceFX assets
mental ray: SpiceFX custom startup done
mental ray: leaving custom shaders for mrfm
mental ray: mental ray for Maya - custom startup done
Error: Cannot find procedure "bonusToolsMenu".
Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node '_areaLight2_mrLoc'; preserving node information during this session.
Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node '_areaLight2_mrLoc'; preserving node information during this session.
Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node '_areaLight2_mrLoc'; preserving node information during this session.
Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node '_areaLight2_mrLoc'; preserving node information during this session.
File read in 16 seconds.
Warning: Can't perform polySplit23 on selection
Result: /fs1/data/personal/adi/CarDemo/scenes/INTERIOR_5_CAMS_20.mb
Warning: Found camera interiorOrbitShape.
initMPS with licenseOption 0
mental ray: got 8 satellite CPUs.
Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : optimize animation detection: done 34 animated nodes
MEM 0.0 info : heap size limit set to 19114 MB
Info: (mental ray) : number of render thread(s): 8
JOB 0.0 info : slave rendering OFF
........ i've cut the bla bla maya outputs before starting the frame but you can see it restarts the render after it finishes
Info: (Mayatomr.Scene) : render camera: interiorOrbit
SCEN 0.2 progr: begin scene preprocessing for frame 50
SCEN 0.2 info : 335 geometry leaf instances (308 scheduled, 0 cached, 27 shared)
SCEN 0.2 info : 7 light leaf instances
SCEN 0.2 info : wallclock 0:00:00.02 for scene preprocessing
SCEN 0.2 info : CPU user 0:00:00.02 for scene preprocessing
SCEN 0.2 info : allocated 64 MB, max resident 64 MB
RC 0.2 info : scene extent: (-189.80,26.91,-70.43) : (135.22,139.41,70.43)
RC 0.2 info : option: scanline off
RC 0.2 info : option: trace on
RC 0.2 info : option: trace depth reflection 4, refraction 8, sum 20
RC 0.2 info : option: acceleration large bsp
RC 0.2 info : option: bsp size 10
RC 0.2 info : option: bsp depth 40
RC 0.2 info : option: shadow sort
RC 0.2 info : option: shadow maps (use) (detail) (recompute)
RC 0.2 info : option: lightmap on
RC 0.2 info : option: motion off
RC 0.2 info : option: luminance weights 0.212671 0.71516 0.072169
RC 0.2 info : option: caustic off
RC 0.2 info : option: globillum off
RC 0.2 info : option: finalgather off
RC 0.2 info : option: samples min 0, max 3
RC 0.2 info : option: contrast 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01, all buffers
RC 0.2 info : option: jitter 1
RC 0.2 info : option: filter gauss 3 3
RC 0.2 info : option: render space object
RC 0.2 info : option: face both
RC 0.2 info : option: field off
RC 0.2 info : option: hair on
RC 0.2 info : option: hardware off
RC 0.2 info : option: task size 64
RC 0.2 info : option: pixel preview off
RC 0.2 info : option: lens on
RC 0.2 info : option: volume on
RC 0.2 info : option: geometry on
RC 0.2 info : option: displace on
RC 0.2 info : option: premultiply on
RC 0.2 info : option: colorclip raw
RC 0.2 info : option: output on
RC 0.2 info : option: merge on
RC 0.2 info : option: fb mem management mapped
RC 0.2 info : option: type filter name
RC 0.2 info : rgba_fp yes color
RC 0.2 info : rgba_fp yes mayaGlow
RC 0.2 info : z yes CAMZ:Zdepth.interiorOrbit
RC 0.2 info : z yes CAMZ:depthZ.interiorOrbit
RC 0.2 info : a_fp yes COV:coverage.interiorOrbit
RC 0.2 info : camera: focal length 0.681101
RC 0.2 info : camera: aperture 1.41732
RC 0.2 info : camera: aspect 1.777
RC 0.2 info : camera: resolution 1280 720
RC 0.2 info : camera: clip 0.01 1000
RC 0.2 info : camera: frame 50 50 0
RC 0.2 progr: rendering
RCI 0.2 progr: begin intersection preprocessing
RCI 0.2 info : using large BSP for eye rays
RCI 0.2 info : using large BSP for secondary rays
RCI 0.2 progr: building initial extent bsp-tree
RCI 0.2 info : leaves without shadow : 6
RCI 0.2 info : leaves with only shadow : 0
RCI 0.2 info : leaves with both : 329
RCI 0.2 progr: end intersection preprocessing
RCI 0.2 info : wallclock 0:00:00.00 for intersection prep.
RCI 0.2 info : CPU user 0:00:00.00 for intersection prep.
RCI 0.2 info : allocated 65 MB, max resident 78 MB
PHEN 0.2 info : -----------------------------------------------
PHEN 0.2 info : mayabase version 10.8, compiled on Jul 28 2009.
PHEN 0.2 info : -----------------------------------------------
IMG 0.5 progr: opening texture /fs1/data/personal/adi/CarDemo/sourceimages/LEATHER/Leather_Tile_01.jpg, for reading
IMG 0.7 progr: opening texture /fs1/data/personal/adi/CarDemo/sourceimages/HDRI/DH205SN.hdr, for reading
JOB 0.4 progr: 0.4% rendered on
................................ same bla bla cut due to message limits 20 characters ........
JOB 0.5 progr: 55.9% rendered on
JOB 0.11 progr: 56.3% rendered on
requesting work for: 792.3
got work: 792:50 - running
find: /opt/deadline: Permission denied
find: /usr/lib64/audit: Permission denied
Starting "/usr/autodesk/maya2010-x64/bin/maya"
mental ray for Maya 2010
mental ray: version, Jun 17 2009, revision 88216
mental ray: using SpiceFX assets
mental ray: SpiceFX custom startup done
mental ray: leaving custom shaders for mrfm
mental ray: mental ray for Maya - custom startup done
Error: Cannot find procedure "bonusToolsMenu".
Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node '_areaLight2_mrLoc'; preserving node information during this session.
Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node '_areaLight2_mrLoc'; preserving node information during this session.
Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node '_areaLight2_mrLoc'; preserving node information during this session.
Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node '_areaLight2_mrLoc'; preserving node information during this session.
File read in 17 seconds.
requesting work for: 792.3
this frame is marked as completed. how can this be since the stderr ends with 56.3% ?
but the frame is fully rendered on disk (i've checked)