Hello guys~
Our customer has a problem.
They are using 30 node workers.
The workers are grouped by named 'lix farm'.
If there is no running job Qube supervisor can get a job and make running very well.
But when there are running jobs with all of 30 node workers, for the first time Qube supervisor can get a next job that is supposed to use 30 cpus and make pending state.
I think the job should be waiting for the pre-jobs.
But the job's state change as failed soon.
The error message is like this.
WARNING: cannot open scenefile [/input/SYS/world_now/3D/scenes/cut01_earth_c.mb] for reading at /usr/local/pfx/jobtypes/maya/Utils.pm line 35.
==================== INIT BEGIN ====================
HOME: /home/qubeproxy
Project Directory: /input/SYS/world_now/3D
Render Directory: /input/SYS/world_now/3D/images
Scene File: /input/SYS/world_now/3D/scenes/cut01_earth_c.mb
$VAR1 = bless( {
'defaultRenderGlobals.currentRenderer' => 'mayaSoftware',
'scenefile' => '/input\\SYS\\world_now\\3D\\scenes\\cut01_earth_c.mb',
'project' => '/input\\SYS\\world_now\\3D',
'range' => '1-90',
'renderDirectory' => '/input\\SYS\\world_now\\3D/images',
'ignoreRenderTimeErrors' => '1'
}, 'maya::Package' );
ERROR: scenefile [/input/SYS/world_now/3D/scenes/cut01_earth_c.mb] does not exist on the execution machine [render08] at /usr/local/pfx/jobtypes/maya/MayaJob.pm line 170.
INFO: reporting status [failed] to supe: qb::reportjob('failed')
But there is no job on Qube, that job can run very well on Qube.
If Qube use just some cpus not all of cpus, next job is okay for running.
Just this problem is happend when Qube use all of cpus and next job want to use all of cpus.
Do you have any idea about this problem?
It's wrong. But I can not figure out alone.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for your concerned.
Have a nice weekend.