Author Topic: Unable to launch ArtistView  (Read 6816 times)


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Unable to launch ArtistView
« on: January 02, 2013, 06:35:06 PM »

When I try to run qubeArtistView, I get no feedback (no stdout/stderr) and nothing happens.  I also am unable to find any installation or other docs. 

I am only seeing the compiled bin/qubeArtistView executable--is there a way to launch ArtistView from python (provided the correct dependencies) like can be done with qube?  This way I could at least see where the conflict is....

I am on fedora 17.

Thanks for any tips,


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Re: Unable to launch ArtistView
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2013, 06:45:47 PM »
Due to PyQt licensing, we are not permitted to release the ArtistView as source except to other commercial PyQt developers. 

Fedora 17 is not officially supported by PipelineFX.  There very well may a library conflict with the version you are using.  Which RPM did you install? 

You may want to try to open ArtistView with the '-d' option, as it will be more verbose during startup (assuming you get through bootstrapping).

If you have a support contract with PipelineFX, please open a ticket by mailing into so that we may assist you further.