Author Topic: Killing 3ds max job with V-Ray renderer  (Read 11263 times)


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Killing 3ds max job with V-Ray renderer
« on: March 20, 2015, 11:37:08 AM »
I have some problems with Qube and killing 3ds max jobs.

When i'm trying to kill a 3ds max job (scene renderer is set to V-Ray), then after few seconds Qube is reporting job as killed and worker as idle but the V-Ray frame buffer window is still open and scene is being rendered until the end of current frame.

It looks like Qube can't properly kill a 3ds max job which use V-Ray renderer.

- 3ds max 2015
- V-Ray 2.50
- Qube 6.6.2
- windows based farm

Any help would be very appreciated.