Author Topic: Login issue  (Read 8147 times)


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Login issue
« on: May 28, 2007, 12:21:31 PM »

We are using qube for rendering, Cheers for the team members who has developed this great software.

Our rendering was going fine for a long time without any problem, last week our domain controller crashed unexpectedly,but after correcting the problem the users are unable to submit the job, when they try to enter the login details it is show bad login. Any help please.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Login issue
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2007, 04:23:37 PM »

We are using qube for rendering, Cheers for the team members who has developed this great software.

Our rendering was going fine for a long time without any problem, last week our domain controller crashed unexpectedly,but after correcting the problem the users are unable to submit the job, when they try to enter the login details it is show bad login. Any help please.

Thanks in advance.

Here are some things to check:

  • Have you changed the name of your Windows domain? Have you set the Windows domain in any of your Worker or desktop configurations? Do they need to be updated with the new domain name?
  • Are your users logging into their machines under with their domain accounts before attempting to submit jobs?
  • Are all your Workers properly bound to the new domain controller? The Workers are used to test the account information submitted via qblogin (or the Windows login GUI), so if any of them have failed to bind to the new domain controller, there may be authentication problems there.

I hope this helps. If you're still having trouble, feel free to send mail to support.